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Randomize “admin” Password for CrafterCMS Fresh Install

CrafterCMS gives you the option to randomize the admin password on a fresh install. To randomize the admin password, before starting CrafterCMS for the very first time, in your Authoring installation, go to the following folder: CRAFTER_HOME/bin/apache-tomcat/shared/classes/crafter/studio/extension/ and add the following to the studio-config-override.yaml file:

2##                   Security                   ##
4# Enable random admin password generation
5studio.db.initializer.randomAdminPassword.enabled: false
6# Random admin password length
7studio.db.initializer.randomAdminPassword.length: 16
8# Random admin password allowed chars
9studio.db.initializer.randomAdminPassword.chars: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!@#$%^&*_=+-/

To enable the random admin password generation, just set studio.db.initializer.randomAdminPassword.enabled to true and specify your desired password length and allowed characters for the password. Save the file after making your changes.

After saving the studio-config-override.yaml file, start CrafterCMS. You’ll then need to look at the authoring tomcat log, and search for the following string to get the random password generated for user admin: *** Admin Account Password:

Here’s a sample password generated for the admin as listed in the Tomcat log:

INFO: *** Admin Account Password: "WXOIK$O$yGixio2h" ***

You can now log in as the user admin using the randomly generated password listed in the Tomcat log.