• Document Up to Date
  • Updated On 4.0.0

Time Control


Form Control Time Example 1

Form Control Time Example 2


Form Control Time Properties

Control title to show the author on the input form
Name / Variable Name

Name of variable to store the final result in. This is used by the
View layer or the Controllers to gain access to the data during
ICE Group

In-Context Edit Group: During ICE editing in Preview mode, this
control will be part of this group for editing which means when the
author click on the Pencil Tool, they will get all the controls
in the same group associated with the specific Pencil Tool.

Form Control description.


Help to show authors on the input form associated with this control.

Date and Time field with a picker.

* Show Clear Value: Display link to clear value
* Set Now Link: Display link to set time to now
* Populated: Put in values in the date/time based on
populate expression
* Populate Expression: Populate date/time control using the following
expressions: now [+ or -][number][days or weeks or years or hours
or minutes]
* Use Custom Timezone: Allows user to select a timezone
* Readonly: Make field read-only (can’t be changed by the author).
* Readonly on Edit:
* Required: Make field required to fill out.
Related Data Sources
* None.