The detailed roadmap is maintained in our issue planning and tracking system, and you can find that here:
At a high-level, we’re pursuing the objectives listed below in order:
- Crafter Engine features
Engine Plugin Marketplace: Pull in widgets for your app from the marketplace
Direct integration with Node JS
- Crafter Studio features
Crafter Studio Marketplace: Pull in authoring extensions for your site from the marketplace
New Sidebar navigator
Enhanced site translation mechanics
Direct management of Node JS scripts and artifacts
- Page Builder: Improved in-context editing including
In-place editing
Out of the box and marketplace components
Improved drag and drop mechanics
Schedule an item for publishing and continue editing it (specific-version publishing)
Recycle Bin and improved delete mechanics
Time-travel mechanics to preview sites across time
Integrate Crafter Profile Admin and Crafter Social Admin directly into Crafter Studio
Recently Completed
- Enhanced Preview Proxy to connect to any remote server as the preview server
This allows easier authoring of sites built with other programming languages and technologies
- Managed Blob Stores
Manage external blob stores (S3) assets as if they’re CrafterCMS assets with full workflow and multi-environment support
- GraphQL
Query content in Engine via GraphQL
GraphQL extensions: You can now change the GraphQL response and add in data from other sources with a small groovy script. GraphQL now pulls back data from CrafterCMS or other sources, and you can override whatever you like.
- Elasticsearch
Becomes the default search engine (Solr is no longer supported starting CrafterCMS v4.0)
- Serverless CrafterCMS
Full support for Kubernetes clustering vanilla or AWS EKS
Crafter Engine backed by AWS S3 (or compatible services)
CrafterCMS provided Docker images
Search is provided by Elasticsearch and is scaled separately
- SPA Support I
New JS library: basic JS all the way to Redux: example application:
Node JS integration
React JS integration and seamless development
Angular integration and seamless development
- SPA Support II
ICE (In-Context Editing) Pencils for React JS and Angular
Drag and Drop for React, Angular, and Vue
- Crafter Studio features
Crafter Studio UI enhancements using React components that weave in
Crafter Studio Marketplace for blueprints and new blueprints
Advanced clustering for the authoring environment
New search backend based on Elasticsearch for better search in authoring
- Advanced Git workflow mechanics
Specify a branch per site
Add remote repositories and pull/push from the GUI
Added support for a staging waypoint (an environment where you can stage your project before pushing it to production)
S3 connector for uploading large media assets
Box connector for uploading/linking to Box assets
WebDAV connector for uploading/linking to WebDAV assets
AWS Media Services integration for video processing (upload, transcode, stream ABR video)
- Crafter Engine
URL Rewrite a la Apache mod_rewrite using (this is different from Crafter’s URL Transformation Engine)