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Encrypting Text in a Configuration File

This section details how to encrypt passwords, access keys or other sensitive information in a configuration file managed through Crafter Studio.

The encryption algorithm used is PBE (Password Based Encryption) with AES, in which a password and a salt are specified to generate the key used on encryption/decryption.

Crafter Studio uses a default key and salt for the encryption tool. To set the key and salt to desired values, in your Authoring installation directory, open /bin/crafter-setenv.sh and modify the following values

# -------------------- Encryption variables --------------------
export CRAFTER_ENCRYPTION_KEY=${CRAFTER_ENCRYPTION_KEY:="default_encrytption_key"}
export CRAFTER_ENCRYPTION_SALT=${CRAFTER_ENCRYPTION_SALT:="default_encrytption_salt"}

The encrypted properties work in the following site configuration files:

  • Engine Site Configuration (/config/engine/site-config.xml)

  • Studio AWS Profiles (/config/studio/aws/aws.xml)

  • Studio Box Profiles (/config/studio/box/box.xml)

  • Studio WebDAV Profiles (/config/studio/webdav/webdav.xml)

How to Encrypt Text in Configuration File

To encrypt passwords, access keys or other sensitive information in a configuration file managed through Crafter Studio:

  • Open the configuration file that has the text/information that you would like to encrypt

  • Find the entry you would like to encrypt and add the attribute encrypted=""

  • Click on the Encrypt Marked button to encrypt text

  • Your sensitive text should now be encrypted and displayed with the attribute encrypted="true" and you may now save your file


Let’s take a look at an example of encrypting the accessKey and securityKey for the AWS Profiles configuration.

  • Open the AWS Profiles configuration file by clicking on siteConfig -> Configuration, then select AWS Profiles from the dropdown box

  • We will add an AWS S3 profile. Notice that the accessKey and secureKey is in the clear.

     1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     3  <s3>
     4  <!--
     6  AWS S3 Profile
     8  Additional properties:
    10  <bucketName/>
    11  <pathStyleAccess/>
    13  bucketName: name of the bucket where files will be uploaded
    14  pathStyleAccess: indicates if path style access should be used for all requests (defaults to false)
    16  -->
    17    <profile>
    18      <id>s3-default</id>
    19        <credentials>
    20        <accessKey>YOUR_ACCESS_KEY</accessKey>
    21        <secretKey>YOUR_SECRET_KEY</secretKey>
    22      </credentials>
    23      <region>us-west-1</region>
    24      <bucketName>sample-input-bucket</bucketName>
    25      <pathStyleAccess>true</pathStyleAccess>
    26    </profile>
    27  </s3>
  • We will now mark items to be encrypted by adding the attribute encrypted="". For our example, we will mark accessKey and secretKey for encryption.

    <accessKey encrypted="">YOUR_ACCESS_KEY</accessKey>
    <secretKey encrypted="">YOUR_SECRET_KEY</secretKey>

    Add "encrypted=""" attribute to "accessKey" and "secureKey"

  • Click on the Encrypt Marked button to encrypt the marked items, the attribute for the marked items will change to encrypted="true":

    <accessKey encrypted="true">${enc:ENCRYPTED_ACCESS_KEY}</accessKey>
    <secretKey encrypted="true">${enc:ENCRYPTED_SECRET_KEY}</secretKey>

    "accessKey" and "secureKey" now encrypted

  • The accessKey and secureKey is now encrypted and will be decrypted by Crafter Studio as needed