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Reindexing Content Using Elasticsearch for CrafterCMS versions 3.1.10 to 3.1.17

The steps listed below for reindexing content without disrupting service in production using Elasticsearch applies only to CrafterCMS versions 3.1.10 to 3.1.17

Step 1: Create a new index

The first step is to create a new index on Elasticsearch where you can index the content:

  1. Check the next version for the index name, you can find the current name using the following command:

    1    curl -s http://ES_HOST:ES_PORT/_cat/aliases | grep SITE_NAME
    3# Example result
    5SITE_NAME-ENV   SITE_NAME-ENV_v1   - - -
  2. Download the Elasticsearch mappings appropriate for the index. If the index is an authoring index (it has an -authoring suffix), then use authoring-mapping.json. If it’s any other index (it has a -preview suffix or no suffix), then use default-mapping.json. The latest version of the mappings can be found here

  3. Use the Elasticsearch API create index to create a new index (e.g. SITE_NAME-ENV_v2) and create the request based on the mappings downloaded from the previous step

Step 2: Content freeze

Once you are about to start a reindex you need to freeze your authoring/editing activity. If content is being updated in the live environment while you are rebuilding your indexes, you may miss updates. Ask the authors not to publish during your reindex process.

Step 3: Set up a new temporary target

The next step is to create a temporary deployment target that is basically a copy of the production target, but with a different ID. The easiest way to do this is to:

  1. Go to the CRAFTER/deployer/targets folder.

  2. Copy and paste the target’s YAML to somewhere temporary outside the targets folder (to avoid the Deployer from picking the new target while you’re modifying it).

  3. Replace the original environment from the YAML file name with anything different than the original (e.g. SITE_NAME-ENV-temp.yaml).

  4. Change the siteName property value inside the YAML to a new name (e.g. SITE_NAME_v2) and change the index name by adding indexId:NEW_INDEX where the NEW_INDEX property value is the name of the new index created in the previous step (e.g. SITIE_NAME-ENV_v2), right after the line - processorName: authoringElasticsearchIndexingProcessor

    version: '1.7'
    env: preview
    siteName: SITE_NAME_v2
        enabled: false
        - processorName: gitDiffProcessor
        - processorName: elasticsearchIndexingProcessor
          indexId: SITE_NAME-ENV_v2

  5. Copy the YAML file back to the targets folder.

Step 4: Reindex

On a live environment, the Deployer will execute the deployment of a target on schedule every minute by default, so after creating the new temporary target the Deployer should pick it up automatically and start reindexing. If the Deployer is not working on a schedule, you can follow the process in Reindexing Content for Search and Queries, starting in Step 2: Invoke the reprocessing and using the site name you set in the temporary target YAML (e.g. SITE_NAME_v2).

Step 5: Wait

You will see indexing activity in the deployment log located in INSTALL_DIRECTORY/logs/deployer/crafter-deployer.out. Indexing activity time is dependent on the amount of content which must be re-processed. When the deployment/indexing finishes you should see something like the following in the log:

2017-07-25 16:52:03.762  INFO 21896 --- [pool-2-thread-1] org.craftercms.deployer.impl.TargetImpl  : ------------------------------------------------------------
2017-07-25 16:52:03.763  INFO 21896 --- [pool-2-thread-1] org.craftercms.deployer.impl.TargetImpl  : Deployment for SITE_NAME_v2-ENV finished in 2.359 secs
2017-07-25 16:52:03.763  INFO 21896 --- [pool-2-thread-1] org.craftercms.deployer.impl.TargetImpl  : ------------------------------------------------------------

Step 6: Swap indexes

Now that indexing is complete you need to load the reindexed content. Execute the following command:

1    curl -s -X POST 'http://ES_HOST:ES_PORT/_aliases' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '
2    {
3      "actions": [
4        { "remove": { "index": "SITE_NAME-ENV_v1", "alias": "SITE_NAME-ENV" } },
5        { "add": { "index": "SITE_NAME-ENV_v2", "alias": "SITE_NAME-ENV" } }
6      ]
7    }
8    '

Step 7: Unfreeze Content

Now that you are certain everything is working as it should, notify your authors that they may start editing and publishing activity.

Step 8: Clean up

Now that your process is complete you can clean up some of the artifacts created by the process.

  • The old index for the site

  • The temporary target YAML file