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Deployer System Administration Guide

How to Start/Stop the Deployer

If you’re using CrafterCMS installed on a server, starting and stopping the Deployer is very easy. From the command line, navigate to the {env-directory}, authoring or delivery environment folder, and then inside the bin folder, run ./crafter.sh start_deployer to start the Deployer or ./crafter.sh stop_deployer to stop the Deployer.


Global Configuration

Crafter Deployer has two main property configuration files found in {env-directory}/bin/crafter-deployer/config:

  • application.yaml: contains the global application properties, like the server port and the locations of other configuration files.

  • base-target.yaml: contains the common properties for all targets. In here you can find properties for configuring indexing with Crafter Search and deployment email notifications.

The application.yaml file is loaded automatically by Spring Boot, so its properties can be overridden in the standard external locations defined by Spring Boot:

  1. application.yaml in a config directory under the current directory.

  2. application.yaml in the the current directory.

  3. application.yaml in a config directory in the classpath.

  4. application.yaml in the classpath root.

You can also override the application.yaml properties by specifying them as System properties, e.g. -Dserver.port=7171.

The base-target.yaml file is handled a little bit different. This file is loaded by Crafter Deployer every time a new target is being added, and is merged with the specific properties of the target, with the target’s properties taking precedence. By default, the override location for this configuration file is ./config/base-target.yaml, but it can be changed through the application.yaml property deployer.main.targets.config.baseYaml.overrideLocation.

Target Configuration

Each deployment target has it’s own YAML configuration file, where the properties of the target and it’s entire deployment pipeline is specified. Without this file the Deployer doesn’t know of the existence of the target. By default these configuration files reside under ./config/targets (in the case of the CrafterCMS installed on a server, they’re under CRAFTER_HOME/data/deployer/targets).

Target configurations vary a lot between authoring and delivery, since an authoring target works on a local repository while a delivery target pulls the files from a remote repository. But target configurations between the same environment don’t change a lot. Having said that, the following two examples can be taken as a base for most authoring/delivery target configuration files:

Authoring Target Configuration Example (editorial-preview.yaml)
 2  # Environment name
 3  env: preview
 4  # Site name
 5  siteName: editorial
 6  # Crafter Engine base URL
 7  engineUrl: http://localhost:8080
 8  # Path to the sandbox repository of the site
 9  localRepoPath: /opt/crafter/authoring/data/repos/sites/editorial/sandbox
10  deployment:
11    scheduling:
12      # Scheduling is disabled since Studio will call deploy on file save
13      enabled: false
14    pipeline:
15      # Calculates the Git differences with the latest commit processed
16      - processorName: gitDiffProcessor
17      # Performs Crafter Search indexing
18      - processorName: searchIndexingProcessor
19      # Calls Rebuild Context when a file under /scripts is changed
20      - processorName: httpMethodCallProcessor
21        includeFiles: ["^/?scripts/.*$"]
22        method: GET
23        url: ${target.engineUrl}/api/1/site/context/rebuild.json?crafterSite=${target.siteName}
24      # Calls Clear Cache
25      - processorName: httpMethodCallProcessor
26        method: GET
27        url: ${target.engineUrl}/api/1/site/cache/clear.json?crafterSite=${target.siteName}
28      # Generates a deployment output file
29      - processorName: fileOutputProcessor
Delivery Target Configuration Example (editorial-dev.yaml)
 2  # Environment name
 3  env: dev
 4  # Site name
 5  siteName: editorial
 6  # Crafter Engine base URL
 7  engineUrl: http://localhost:9080
 8  deployment:
 9    pipeline:
10      # Pulls the remote Git repository of the site
11      - processorName: gitPullProcessor
12        remoteRepo:
13          # URL of the remote repo
14          url: /opt/crafter/authoring/data/repos/sites/editorial/published
15          # Live of the repo to pull
16          branch: live
17      # Calculates the Git differences with the latest commit processed
18      - processorName: gitDiffProcessor
19      # Performs Crafter Search indexing
20      - processorName: searchIndexingProcessor
21      # Calls Rebuild Context when a file under /scripts is changed
22      - processorName: httpMethodCallProcessor
23        includeFiles: ["^/?scripts/.*$"]
24        method: GET
25        url: ${target.engineUrl}/api/1/site/context/rebuild.json?crafterSite=${target.siteName}
26      # Calls Clear Cache
27      - processorName: httpMethodCallProcessor
28        method: GET
29        url: ${target.engineUrl}/api/1/site/cache/clear.json?crafterSite=${target.siteName}
30      # Generates a deployment output file
31      - processorName: fileOutputProcessor

As you can see from the examples above, most of the configuration belongs to the deployment pipeline section. Each of the YAML list entries is an instance of a DeploymentProcessor prototype Spring bean that is already defined in the base-context.xml file. If you want to define your own set of DeploymentProcessor beans you can add them on a new Spring context file based on the target’s YAML file name. Using the authoring example above, since the YAML file name is editorial-preview.yaml, the corresponding Spring context would be editorial-preview-context.xml. The Deployer out of the box provides the following processor beans:

  • gitPullProcessor: Clones a remote repository into a local path. If the repository has been cloned already, it performs a Git pull. Useful for delivery targets which need to reach out to the authoring server to retrieve the changes on deployment. Must be the first processor in the list, since the rest of the processors all work on the local repository.

  • gitDiffProcessor: Calculates the diff between the latest commit in the local repository and the last commit processed, which is usually stored under ./processed-commits (in the folder CRAFTER_HOME/data/deployer/processed-commits). This diff is then used to build the change set of the deployment, so this processor should be the second one in the list.

  • searchIndexingProcessor: grabs the files from the change set and sends them to Crafter Search for indexing. It also does some XML processing before submitting the files like flattening (recursive inclusion of components), merging of inherited XML and metadata extraction for structured document files like PDFs, Word Docs, etc.

  • httpMethodCallProcessor: executes an HTTP method call to a specified URL.

  • fileOutputProcessor: generates the output of the deployment and saves it in a CSV file.

  • mailNotificationProcessor: sends an email notification when there’s a successful deployment with file changes or when a deployment failed.

Manage Targets

Create a Target

There are two different ways in which a target configuration file can be created:

  • By calling the API endpoint Create Target, which creates a new target based on a template. The Deployer comes out of the box with two templates: one for local repositories (useful for authoring environments) and one for remote repositories (useful for delivery environments). You can also specify your own templates under ./config/templates/targets, and use the same API endpoint to create targets based on those templates.

  • By placing the YAML target configuration file under ./config/targets (or CRAFTER_HOME/data/deployer/targets, like indicated above). The Deployer will automatically load the file on a schedule, and whenever there’s a change it will re-load it.

Update a Target

Updating a target is very similar to creating one:

  • Call the same API endpoint as create, but be sure that the replace parameter is true. OR

  • Make the changes directly in the target configuration file. On the next scheduled scan of targets, the Deployer will detect that the file has been modified and it will re-load it.

Delete a Target

There are two options for deleting a target:

  • Call the API endpoint Delete Target.

  • Delete the target configuration file in the filesystem.

Run Deployments

Crafter Deployer has an option of running scheduled deployments for a target (deployment.scheduling.enabled), which is enabled by default, but if you want to manually trigger a deployment, you just need to call the API endpoint Deploy Target (or Deploy All Targets). This will start the deployment if the request is correct. To watch the progress of a scheduled or a manually triggered deployment, check the Deployer log. When the deployment has finished, and the target has a fileOutputProcessor in the deployment pipeline, a CSV file with the final result of that particular deployment will be written under ./logs (or CRAFTER_HOME/logs/deployer).

Processed Commits

Crafter Deployer keeps track of the most recent commit id that was processed in the last deployment for each target, during a deployment it will use this commit id to get the list of files that have been changed in the repository. By default the processed commits are stored in a folder (CRAFTER_HOME/data/deployer/processed-commits) as an individual file for each target (for example editorial-preview.commit). Each file contains only the commit id that will be used to track the changes during deployments:

Example of a processed commit file

If the repository is changed manually using Git commands instead of updating files using Crafter Studio it is possible that a deployment may found a conflict, for example if a specific commit is deleted from the repository. In most cases Crafter Deployer should be able to detect those conflicts and solve them automatically, however if a deployment does not finish successfully you can follow the steps described in Debugging Deployer Issues


Changing or deleting a processed commit file could cause unchanged files to be indexed again and it should be done as a last resort in case of errors.