• Document Up to Date
  • Updated On 4.1.3

Breaking Changes in CrafterCMS 4.1.x

This section covers changes that might affect your CrafterCMS projects, as well as other considerations before upgrading. Please review the following and apply changes as required:

  • CrafterCMS 4.1.x requires Java 17.
    See Requirements for more information on CrafterCMS requirements.

  • CrafterCMS 4.1.x now uses OpenSearch.
    See here for more information on upgrading search to OpenSearch

  • Upgrading 3.1.x sites

    • CrafterCMS 4.1.x requires Git.
      See Requirements for more information on CrafterCMS requirements.

    • CrafterCMS 4.1.0 has a new Studio UI. To get the same Sidebar you’re used to, update the User Interface Configuration

    • Update ICE to move to XB

    • Studio and Engine SAML configuration now uses a key and certificate for configuration instead of using keystore.
      See Engine SAML2 Configuration and Studio SAML2 Configuration for more information.

    • CrafterCMS 4.1.x by default now classifies all items under /site as file type, instead of item type.

      Items under preconfigured paths in the Project configuration config/studio/site-config.xml, such as /site/website and /site/components are classified as an item type by default. Before upgrading your version 3.1.x install, non-standard paths/custom paths must be configured under repository.patterns in the Project configuration file config/studio/site-config.xml in order to be classified correctly.

      Any item that is misclassified after an upgrade can be corrected by updating the Project configuration file config/studio/site-config.xml and then editing and saving the misclassified item(s) OR by modifying the system_type field for the item in the item table in the database.

Breaking Changes in CrafterCMS 4.1.3

The following breaking changes applies to CrafterCMS version 4.1.3


Crafter Engine relies on a library that marshals objects to JSON. This dependency was updated in CrafterCMS version 4.1.0, and it introduced a change of behavior in Crafter Engine for getItem that affected a small subset of content items and fields.

The change was as follows: If you set an attribute on the field (e.g., tokenized) then the library would marshal the field as an object where the attribute was a property of the object and the value was marshaled as a property called text

Response for Crafter Engine getItem API for versions 4.1.0 - 4.1.2
  "productName_s": {
    tokenized": "true",
    "text": "test"

However, the correct response is as follows:

Response for Crafter Engine getItem API for versions 4.1.3 and later
  "productName_s": "test"

CrafterCMS version 4.1.3 and later does not marshal single value fields with attributes as objects. This issue has been corrected so all string and text fields, with or without attributes, are marshaled in a consistent fashion. Users of CrafterCMS version 4.1.0 - 4.1.2 may need to make minor changes to code that consumes Crafter Engine getItem responses if they have fields that leverage the tokenized property.

Studio UI

  • services/content/insertComponent: function now requires the parent document content type and the path argument moves to being earlier in the argument list. The shifting of the arguments seeks a more coherent argument order, grouping parent-related arguments first, followed by inserted instance related arguments, and finally supportive arguments last.

    • Previous Order of Arguments: siteId, parentModelId, parentFieldId, targetIndex, insertedItemContentType, insertedContentInstance, parentDocPath, isSharedInstance, shouldSerializeValueFn?

    • Order of Arguments Now: siteId, parentDocPath, parentModelId, parentFieldId, targetIndex, parentContentType, insertedContentInstance, insertedItemContentType, isSharedInstance, shouldSerializeValueFn?

  • services/content/insertInstance: function now requires the parent document content type and the path argument moves to being earlier in the argument list. The shifting of the arguments seeks a more coherent argument order, grouping parent-related arguments first, followed by inserted instance related arguments, and finally supportive arguments last.

    • Previous Order of Arguments: siteId, parentModelId, parentFieldId, targetIndex, insertedInstance, parentDocPath, datasource?

    • Order of Arguments Now: siteId, parentDocPath, parentModelId, parentFieldId, targetIndex, parentContentType, insertedInstance, datasource?

  • components/LegacyComponentsPanel/utils/fetchAndInsertContentInstance: the function now requires the parent content type id as its last argument. Note this whole component module is likely to be removed in the future.


The changes above in Studio UI is primarily an internal change. It would only affect those developing authoring applications using the functions described above either via @craftercms/studio-ui npm package or using the craftercms global variable in an authoring extension.