• Document Under Review

CrafterCMS 3.1.9

Released August 20, 2020

New Features

  • Added Git Shell in the Git SSH server image in the CrafterCMS Docker images. This allows an extra level of security since only Git related commands can be used when connecting to the server


  • Upgraded JGit version to 5.8

  • Published repository improvements
    When creating a site, the published repository is not created until a publish request has been sent. The published repository is initialized when the very first publish request is received.

  • Added support for using the numpad (numeric keypad/ten key/number pad) on a keyboard in number form control

  • Added support for the search API to accept path filters with regex values
    The search parameter (SearchParams) path is now added in the search API for filtering paths using a regular expression. See search for more information.

  • Added a new lifecycle hook for remote targets
    All targets that use the gitPullProcessor need to include a new lifecycle hook, deleteLocalRepoFolderLifecycleHook. This new lifecycle hook will be automatically added to existing targets when upgrading to CrafterCMS 3.1.9 by the upgrade manager.

  • Added support for clearing the site cache for static-assets
    The deployer now includes templates under the static-assets folder in the clear cache post processor. This change will be automatically performed by the upgrade manager for existing targets when upgrading to CrafterCMS 3.1.9.

  • Added new environment variables for encrypting and decrypting values in the database
    See Securing Your CrafterCMS Install for more information on the database values encryption key and salt.

  • Re-encryption of configuration files and remote repository credentials
    This is automatically done by the upgrade manager when upgrading to CrafterCMS 3.1.9. For more information on the re-encryption performed by the upgrade manager, see Upgrade Notes for Re-encrypting Values.

  • Added Studio and Engine support for forwarded headers, to resolve the actual hostname and protocol when it is behind a load balancer, reverse proxy or CloudFront via new properties

    To enable forwarded headers in Engine, open the server-config.properties and set the crafter.engine.forwarded.headers.enabled property to true

    # Indicates if Forwarded or X-Forwarded headers should be used when resolving the client-originated protocol and
    # address. Enable when Engine is behind a reverse proxy or load balancer that sends these

    To enable forwarded headers in Studio, open the studio-config-override.yaml and set the studio.forwarded.headers.enabled property to true

    ##             Forwarded Headers                ##
    # Indicates if Forwarded or X-Forwarded headers should be used when resolving the client-originated protocol and
    # address. Enable when Studio is behind a reverse proxy or load balancer that sends these
    studio.forwarded.headers.enabled: false

Lots of other small enhancements and bug fixes :)

For a full list of tickets, please visit: GitHub 3.1.9 Milestone


Please see Upgrading CrafterCMS for instructions on how to update your CrafterCMS install to 3.1.1 (applies to 3.1.9)

For Docker/Kuber deployments, see Docker/Kuber Instructions for Upgrading CrafterCMS

For Linux installs, the embedded MariaDB upgrade requires the library libaio which is not installed by default in some Linux distributions. Please see the section on Linux Prerequisites in Linux Prerequisite for instructions on how to install the library libaio

Please see Upgrade Notes for Fixing Backup Error and Upgrade Notes for Re-encrypting Values for some important notes when updating to CrafterCMS 3.1.9