DevContentOps Toolkit
CrafterCMS provides a DevContentOps Toolkit to support DevContentOps processes in CrafterCMS. The DevContentOps Toolkit contains the CrafterCMS Command Line Interface (CLI), that allows you to authenticate with CrafterCMS and exercise its APIs via a Unix or Windows command line interface.
To run the command line tool (CrafterCMS Command line Interface (CLI) for DevContentOps processes), download the DevContentOps Toolkit binary archive from and extract the contents to any directory. In your terminal program, navigate to the bin
folder under the directory where you extracted the tool, DOWNLOAD_DIR/crafter-cli-VERSION/bin/
. There you will find two versions of the tool:
crafter-cli: - for users on a Linux/macOS operating system
crafter-cli.bat - for users on a Windows operating system
When using the crafter-cli, we first need to setup the connection to CrafterCMS before we can use the other available commands. To setup the connection, run the add-environment
command, provide a name, the url for a CrafterCMS authoring server and the authentication information.
For the example below, we’ll use local
for the name, http://localhost:8080
for the url, and username john
for the authentication. Leave the password blank, you will be prompted for the password after issuing the add-environment
➜ ./crafter-cli add-environment -e local -u http://localhost:8080 --username john --password Enter value for --password (The password for authentication): Added
After setting up the connection to CrafterCMS, you may now create sites or sync a remote repository from the command line, etc:
Here’s an example of creating a site:
➜ ./crafter-cli create-site -e local -s myeditorial --blueprint org.craftercms.blueprint.editorial OK
Here’s an example of adding a remote to a site:
➜ ./crafter-cli add-remote -e local -s editorial -n origin -u Created
Here’s an example of syncing to a remote repository:
➜ ./crafter-cli sync-to -e local -s editorial -n origin -b site-updates OK
To view the available commands, type in ./crafter-cli -h
➜ ./crafter-cli -help Usage: crafter-cli [-hV] [COMMAND] -h, --help Show this help message and exit. -V, --version Print version information and exit. Commands: help Displays help information about the specified command add-environment Adds the configuration to connect to CrafterCMS add-remote Adds a remote repository to a site create-site Creates a site from a blueprint or a remote repository list-remotes List the remote repositories of a site sync-from Sync the content of a site from a remote repository sync-to Sync the content of a site to a remote repository
To view more information about each command, just enter ./crafter-cli <command>
, for example:
➜ ./crafter-cli add-environment Usage: crafter-cli add-environment --password [--config=path] -e=<environment> [-p=<profile>] -u=<url> --username=<username> Adds the configuration to connect to CrafterCMS --config=path The folder to store configurations -e, --environment=<environment> The name of the environment -p, --profile=<profile> The name of the profile --password The password for authentication -u, --url=<url> The URL of the server --username=<username> The username for authentication
You can also find more information on the crafter-cli commands, here: