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Asset Processing

Most projects contains images that are viewed in different display sizes (desktops/laptops, mobile phones, tablets, of which comes in different sizes, etc.). To ensure the same experience on your project through various display sizes, the images would need to be converted to different sizes and formats. CrafterCMS supports automatic image processing that allows you to upload just one image that gets converted to the different sizes or formats required by your project for various display sizes. This automatic image processing is one form of asset processing and can be configured in Studio through the Asset Processing configuration file.

Asset processing allows you to define transformations for static assets (currently only images), through a series of processor pipelines that are executed when the assets are uploaded to Studio. A processor is an application that can manipulate your assets to your desired formats such as compress and optimize JPEG and PNG images, etc. Each processor pipeline in the configuration lets you manipulate the asset to a desired format/size. You can specify just one or as many processors as needed. You can also specify just one or as many pipelines as required by your project. (Say, you want an image appropriate for mobile devices and an image appropriate for desktop browsers, you’ll have two pipelines setup in the configuration.)

Configuring Asset Processing

The pipelines can be configured by going to the Sidebar in Studio, then from the Sidebar, go to Project Tools > Configurations > Asset Processing. Each pipeline has the following structure:



  • inputPathPattern: regex that the assets need to match in order to be processed by the pipeline. Groups that are captured by this regex are available later to the outputPathFormat.

  • keepOriginal (optional): if the original asset (without changes) should be saved.

  • type: the type of the processor. Right now 2 types are supported: ImageMagickTransformer and TinifyTransformer:

    • ImageMagickTransformer: runs ImageMagick from the command line, with params.options as the command line params [1].

    • TinifyTransformer: uses the Java client of TinyPNG to compress JPEG/PNG images [2].

  • outputPathFormat (optional): the format of the output path. Variables that have a dollar sign ($) and an index are later replaced by groups that resulted during input path matching, to form the final output path. If not specified, then the same input path is used as the output path.


Please note the following:

  • We currently support 2 types of image processors, ImageMagickTransformer and TinifyTransformer

  • You can have one or multiple pipelines setup, but, a pipeline must have at least one processor configured.

Asset Processing Example

The following example specifies 2 different asset processing pipelines: the first one converts any image put under /static-assets/images/upload/ into another one that’s compressed and suitable to be displayed in a desktop browser, while the second one converts the same image for display on mobile devices:


        <!-- Web transformer pipeline -->
                        <options>-level 0,100%,1.3 -gaussian-blur 0.05 -quality 20% -strip</options>

        <!-- Mobile transformer pipeline -->
                        <options>-level 0,100%,1.3 -gaussian-blur 0.05 -quality 20% -strip -resize 226x164</options>


Using the above example, if an image called logo.jpg would be put under /static-assets/images/upload, Studio would generate 2 files: the web version, under /static-assets/images/compressed/web/logo-compressed.jpg, and the mobile version, under /static-assets/images/compressed/mobile/logo-compressed.png. The original file would be discarded.
