• Document Up to Date

Setup Serverless Delivery

CrafterCMS can be configured to serve sites directly from AWS services, following this guide you will:

  • Create a AWS Elasticsearch domain (optional)

  • Configure a Crafter Studio in an authoring environment to call the Crafter Deployer to create an AWS CloudFormation with a CloudFront and S3 bucket for each site

  • Configure a Crafter Engine in a delivery environment to read files from the S3 bucket and query to AWS Elasticsearch (optional)


  • An AWS account

  • A CrafterCMS authoring environment

  • A CrafterCMS delivery environment

Step 1: Create an Elasticsearch Domain for Delivery (optional)

Since serverless delivery requires a single Elasticsearch endpoint readable by all Engine instances, we recommend you create an AWS Elasticsearch domain for delivery. If you don’t want to use an AWS Elasticsearch domain then you should create and mantain your own Elasticsearch cluster.


Authoring can also use an Elasticsearch domain, but be aware that in a clustered authoring environment each authoring instance requires a separate Elasticsearch instance. If you try to use the same ES domain then you will have multiple preview deployers writing to the same index.

To create an AWS Elasticsearch domain please do the following:

  1. In the top navigation bar of your AWS console, click the Services dropdown menu, and search for Elasticsearch Service.

  2. Click on Create a new domain.

  3. Select Deployment Type and on the Elasticsearch version, pick 7.2.

    Serverless Site - Elasticsearch Deployment Type

  4. On the next screen, enter the domain name. Leave the defaults on the rest of the settings or change as needed per your environment requirements, then click on Next.

  5. On Network Configuration, we recommend you pick the VPC where your delivery nodes reside. If they’re not running on an Amazon VPC, then pick Public Access.

    Serverless Site - Elasticsearch Network Access

  6. Select the Access Policy that fits your Crafter environment, and click on Next (if on the same VPC as delivery, we recommend Do not require signing request with IAM credential).

    Serverless Site - Elasticsearch Access Policy

  7. Review the settings and click on Confirm.

  8. Wait for a few minutes until the domain is ready. Copy the Endpoint. You’ll need this URL later to configure the Deployer and Delivery Engine which will need access to the Elasticsearch.

    Serverless Site - Elasticsearch Endpoint

Step 2: Configure the Delivery for Serverless Mode

  1. Edit the services override file to enable the Serverless S3 mode (DELIVERY_INSTALL_DIR/bin/apache-tomcat/shared/classes/crafter/engine/extension/services-context.xml):

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
        xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd">
      <import resource="classpath*:crafter/engine/mode/multi-tenant/simple/services-context.xml" />
      <!-- S3 Serverless Mode -->
      <import resource="classpath*:crafter/engine/mode/serverless/s3/services-context.xml" />

  2. Edit the properties override file to point Engine to consume the site content from S3 (DELIVERY_INSTALL_DIR/bin/apache-tomcat/shared/classes/crafter/engine/extension/server-config.properties). The properties you need to update are the following:

    • crafter.engine.site.default.rootFolder.path

    • crafter.engine.s3.region

    • crafter.engine.s3.accessKey

    • crafter.engine.s3.secretKey

    An example of how the server-config.properties would look with configuration to read from an S3 bucket per site (which is the most common use case), is the following (values in X are not displayed since they’re sensitive):

    # Content root folder when using S3 store. Format is s3://<BUCKET_NAME>/<SITES_ROOT>/{siteName}
    # S3 Serverless properties
    # S3 region
    # AWS access key
    # AWS secret key

    As you can see, the bucket name portion of the root folder S3 URL contains a prefix and then the site name. This prefix is mentioned also as a “namespace” later on in the Studio serverless configuration.


    You can also provide the AWS region, access key and secret key without having to edit the config file properties. Please see Set up AWS Credentials and Region for Development.

  3. We recommend that the AWS credentials configured belong to a user with just the following permission policy (all strings like $VAR are placeholders and need to be replaced):

     2    "Version": "2012-10-17",
     3    "Statement": [
     4        {
     5            "Effect": "Allow",
     6            "Action": "s3:ListAllMyBuckets",
     7            "Resource": "*"
     8        },
     9        {
    10            "Effect": "Allow",
    11            "Action": [
    12                "s3:ListBucket",
    13                "s3:GetBucketLocation",
    14                "s3:GetObject"
    15            ],
    16            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::$BUCKET_NAME_PREFIX-*"
    17        }
    18    ]

  4. Edit the ES_URL in DELIVERY_INSTALL_DIR/bin/crafter-setenv.sh to point to the Elasticsearch endpoint you created in the previous step:

    export ES_URL=https://vpc-serverless-test-jpwyav2k43bb4xebdrzldjncbq.us-east-1.es.amazonaws.com

  5. Make sure that the you have an application load balancer (ALB) fronting the Delivery Engine instances and that it’s accessible by AWS CloudFront.

Step 3: Configure Authoring for Serverless Deployment

Instead of having one Crafter Deployer per node in delivery, for serverless you just need a single Deployer uploading files to S3. The authoring preview deployer can also be used for serverless deployment, when there’s only one authoring node. When there’s multiple authoring nodes (a cluster), then you’ll need to have a separate deployer pulling from a load balanced SSH/HTTPS URL fronting the Studio Git repos.

In both cases you still need to configure Studio to call the Deployer to create the serverless targets on site creation. You can find this configuration under CRAFTER_HOME/bin/apache-tomcat/shared/classes/crafter/studio/extension/studio-config-override.yaml. The properties are well documented in the file so they won’t be explained here, but there are still some important things to notice:

  • You need to add the URL of the Elasticsearch domain created in a previous step under studio.serverless.delivery.deployer.target.template.params.elasticsearch_url:

      # The delivery Elasticsearch endpoint (optional is authoring is using the same one, specified in the ES_URL env variable)
      elastic_search_url: https://vpc-serverless-test-jpwyav2k43bb4xebdrzldjncbq.us-east-1.es.amazonaws.com

  • When using the aws-cloudformed-s3 target template (the default one), the Deployer creates first an AWS CloudFormation stack with an S3 bucket where the site content will be uploaded and a CloudFront that will serve /static-assets directly and will redirect any other requests to the Delivery Engine LB (which you specify in studio.serverless.delivery.deployer.target.template.params.aws.cloudformation.deliveryLBDomainName).

  • The aws.cloudformation.namespace is basically the prefix of the S3 bucket mentioned in the previous step. This prefix will be part of the name of most of the AWS resources created by the serverless deployer.

  • You need to specify proper AWS credentials for creating the CloudFormation stack and uploading files to S3, which can be done in the following ways:

    • As environment variables or under the default AWS credentials path, like explained in Set up AWS Credentials and Region for Development.

    • In the aws.default_access_key and aws.default_secret_key properties under studio.serverless.delivery.deployer.target.template.params:

          # AWS access key (optional if specified through default AWS chain)
          default_access_key: XXXXXXXXXX
          # AWS secret key (optional if specified through default AWS chain)
          default_secret_key: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

    • In aws.cloudformation.access_key and aws.cloudformation.secret_key properties under studio.serverless.delivery.deployer.target.template.params, when specific CloudFormation credentials are needed:

            # AWS access key (optional if aws.accessKey is specified)
            access_key: XXXXXXXXXX
            # AWS secret key (optional if aws.secretKey is specified)
            secret_key: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

  • We recommend that the AWS credentials configured belong to a user with just the following permission policy (all strings like $VAR are placeholders and need to be replaced):

     2    "Version": "2012-10-17",
     3    "Statement": [
     4        {
     5            "Effect": "Allow",
     6            "Action": [
     7                "cloudformation:CreateStack",
     8                "cloudformation:DescribeStacks",
     9                "cloudformation:DeleteStack"
    10            ],
    11            "Resource": "arn:aws:cloudformation:$REGION:$ACCOUNT_ID:stack/$CLOUDFORMATION_NAMESPACE-*/*"
    12        },
    13        {
    14            "Effect": "Allow",
    15            "Action": [
    16                "cloudfront:CreateDistribution",
    17                "cloudfront:GetDistribution",
    18                "cloudfront:GetDistributionConfig",
    19                "cloudfront:UpdateDistribution",
    20                "cloudfront:DeleteDistribution",
    21                "cloudfront:CreateInvalidation",
    22                "cloudfront:TagResource",
    23                "cloudfront:UntagResource"
    24            ],
    25            "Resource": "arn:aws:cloudfront::$ACCOUNT_ID:distribution/*"
    26        },
    27        {
    28            "Effect": "Allow",
    29            "Action": [
    30                "cloudfront:CreateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity",
    31                "cloudfront:GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig",
    32                "cloudfront:GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity",
    33                "cloudfront:DeleteCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity"
    34            ],
    35            "Resource": "*"
    36        },
    37        {
    38            "Effect": "Allow",
    39            "Action": [
    40                "s3:CreateBucket",
    41                "s3:ListBucket",
    42                "s3:DeleteBucket",
    43                "s3:GetBucketLocation",
    44                "s3:GetBucketPolicy",
    45                "s3:PutBucketPolicy",
    46                "s3:DeleteBucketPolicy",
    47                "s3:PutBucketCORS",
    48                "s3:GetObject",
    49                "s3:PutObject",
    50                "s3:DeleteObject"
    51            ],
    52            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::$CLOUDFORMATION_NAMESPACE-*"
    53        }
    54    ]

  • By default, the CloudFront created by Deployer will have a *.cloudfront.net domain name. To have CloudFront use additional domain name(s) please specify the AWS ARN of the domain SSL certificate (cloudfrontCertificateArn) and the alternate domain name(s) (alternateCloudFrontDomainNames):

          # The SSL certificate ARN the CloudFront CDN should use (optional when target template is aws-cloudformed-s3)
          cloudfrontCertificateArn: arn:aws:acm:...
          # The alternate domains names (besides *.cloudfront.net) for the CloudFront CDN (optional when target template is aws-cloudformed-s3)
          alternateCloudFrontDomainNames: myawesomesite.com,www.myawesomesite.com

An example of serverless deployment configuration where there’s a single authoring instance and no specific domain name requirements is the following:

##                 Serverless Delivery                  ##
# Indicates if serverless delivery is enabled
studio.serverless.delivery.enabled: true
# The URL for the serverless delivery deployer create URL
studio.serverless.delivery.deployer.target.createUrl: ${studio.preview.createTargetUrl}
# The URL for the serverless delivery deployer delete URL
studio.serverless.delivery.deployer.target.deleteUrl: ${studio.preview.deleteTargetUrl}
# The template name for serverless deployer targets
studio.serverless.delivery.deployer.target.template: aws-cloudformed-s3
# Replace existing target configuration if one exists?
studio.serverless.delivery.deployer.target.replace: false
# The URL the deployer will use to clone/pull the site's published repo. When the deployer is in a separate node
# (because of clustering), this URL should be an SSH/HTTP URL to the load balancer in front of the Studios
studio.serverless.delivery.deployer.target.remoteRepoUrl: ${env:CRAFTER_DATA_DIR}/repos/sites/{siteName}/published
# The deployer's local path where it will store the clone of the published site. This property is not needed if
# the deployer is not the preview deployer, so you can leave an empty string ('') instead
studio.serverless.delivery.deployer.target.localRepoPath: ${env:CRAFTER_DATA_DIR}/repos/aws/{siteName}
# Parameters for the target template. Please check the deployer template documentation for the possible parameters.
# The following parameters will be sent automatically, and you don't need to specify them: env, site_name, replace,
# disable_deploy_cron, local_repo_path, repo_url, use_crafter_search
   # The delivery Elasticsearch endpoint (optional if authoring is using the same one, specified in the ES_URL env variable)
   elastic_search_url: https://vpc-serverless-test-jpwyav2k43bb4xebdrzldjncbq.us-east-1.es.amazonaws.com
     # AWS access key (optional if specified through default AWS chain)
     default_access_key: XXXXXXXXXX
     # AWS secret key (optional if specified through default AWS chain)
     default_secret_key: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
       # Namespace to use for CloudFormation resources (required when target template is aws-cloudformed-s3)
       namespace: serverless-test
       # The domain name of the serverless delivery LB (required when target template is aws-cloudformed-s3)
       deliveryLBDomainName: serverless-test-lb-1780491458.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com

Step 4: Create the Site in the Authoring Environment

  1. Login to the Crafter Studio in the authoring environment from your browser.

  2. Click the Create Site button

  3. Choose the Editorial blueprint, enter the Site Id (e.g. editorial), and then review and create.

  4. Go to your AWS console in your browser and on the Services dropdown search for CloudFormation. You should then see the CloudFormation for the site you just created with the status CREATE_IN_PROGRESS. After several minutes, the status should change to CREATE_COMPLETE, which tells the Crafter Deployer that it is able to start uploading files to S3.

    Serverless Site - CloudFormation

  5. Wait at least 2 minutes for the Crafter Deployer to finish uploading the files and for the delivery Crafter Engine to warm up the new site in cache.

     12019-12-20 20:48:58.780  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-3] llCloudFormationStackUsableLifecycleHook : CloudFormation stack 'serverless-test-site-editorial' is usable (status 'CREATE_COMPLETE')
     22019-12-20 20:48:58.781  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-3] org.craftercms.deployer.impl.TargetImpl  : Creating deployment pipeline for target 'editorial-serverless-delivery'
     32019-12-20 20:48:58.854  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-3] org.craftercms.deployer.impl.TargetImpl  : Checking if deployments need to be scheduled for target 'editorial-serverless-delivery'
     42019-12-20 20:48:58.855  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-3] org.craftercms.deployer.impl.TargetImpl  : Deployments for target 'editorial-serverless-delivery' scheduled with cron 0 * * * * *
     52019-12-20 20:49:00.001  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] org.craftercms.deployer.impl.TargetImpl  : ============================================================
     62019-12-20 20:49:00.001  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] org.craftercms.deployer.impl.TargetImpl  : Deployment for editorial-serverless-delivery started
     72019-12-20 20:49:00.001  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] org.craftercms.deployer.impl.TargetImpl  : ============================================================
     82019-12-20 20:49:00.002  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] l.processors.AbstractDeploymentProcessor : ----- < gitPullProcessor @ editorial-serverless-delivery > -----
     92019-12-20 20:49:00.003  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] eployer.impl.processors.GitPullProcessor : Executing git pull for repository /home/ubuntu/code/craftercms/crafter-authoring/data/repos/aws/editorial...
    102019-12-20 20:49:01.179  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] eployer.impl.processors.GitPullProcessor : Changes successfully pulled from remote repo /home/ubuntu/code/craftercms/crafter-authoring/data/repos/sites/editorial/published into local repo /home/ubuntu/code/craftercms/crafter-authoring/data/repos/aws/editorial (merge result with status Merged)
    112019-12-20 20:49:01.181  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] l.processors.AbstractDeploymentProcessor : ----- </ gitPullProcessor @ editorial-serverless-delivery > -----
    122019-12-20 20:49:01.181  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] l.processors.AbstractDeploymentProcessor : ----- < gitDiffProcessor @ editorial-serverless-delivery > -----
    132019-12-20 20:49:01.183  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] eployer.impl.processors.GitDiffProcessor : Calculating change set from commits: {empty} -> 94779a9ef038b497be74f3614fb0170a1242c685
    142019-12-20 20:49:01.228  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] l.processors.AbstractDeploymentProcessor : ----- </ gitDiffProcessor @ editorial-serverless-delivery > -----
    152019-12-20 20:49:01.664  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] l.processors.AbstractDeploymentProcessor : ----- < elasticsearchIndexingProcessor @ editorial-serverless-delivery > -----
    162019-12-20 20:49:01.664  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] ocessors.AbstractSearchIndexingProcessor : Performing search indexing...
    172019-12-20 20:49:04.055  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] l.processors.AbstractDeploymentProcessor : ----- </ elasticsearchIndexingProcessor @ editorial-serverless-delivery > -----
    182019-12-20 20:49:04.056  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] l.processors.AbstractDeploymentProcessor : ----- < s3SyncProcessor @ editorial-serverless-delivery > -----
    192019-12-20 20:49:04.056  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] oyer.impl.processors.aws.S3SyncProcessor : Performing S3 sync with bucket s3://serverless-test-site-editorial/...
    202019-12-20 20:49:04.157  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] oyer.impl.processors.aws.S3SyncProcessor : Uploading 204 files
    212019-12-20 20:49:05.717  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] l.processors.AbstractDeploymentProcessor : ----- </ s3SyncProcessor @ editorial-serverless-delivery > -----
    222019-12-20 20:49:05.717  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] l.processors.AbstractDeploymentProcessor : ----- < delayProcessor @ editorial-serverless-delivery > -----
    232019-12-20 20:49:05.717  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] .deployer.impl.processors.DelayProcessor : Delaying pipeline execution for 10 seconds
    242019-12-20 20:49:15.717  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] l.processors.AbstractDeploymentProcessor : ----- </ delayProcessor @ editorial-serverless-delivery > -----
    252019-12-20 20:49:15.718  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] l.processors.AbstractDeploymentProcessor : ----- < cloudfrontInvalidationProcessor @ editorial-serverless-delivery > -----
    262019-12-20 20:49:15.718  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] sors.aws.CloudFrontInvalidationProcessor : Performing Cloudfront invalidation...
    272019-12-20 20:49:15.841  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] sors.aws.CloudFrontInvalidationProcessor : No actual files that need to be invalidated
    282019-12-20 20:49:15.841  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] l.processors.AbstractDeploymentProcessor : ----- </ cloudfrontInvalidationProcessor @ editorial-serverless-delivery > -----
    292019-12-20 20:49:15.842  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] l.processors.AbstractDeploymentProcessor : ----- < fileBasedDeploymentEventProcessor @ editorial-serverless-delivery > -----
    302019-12-20 20:49:15.843  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] essors.FileBasedDeploymentEventProcessor : Event events.deployment.rebuildContext=2019-12-20T20:49:15.842Z saved to deployment-events.properties
    312019-12-20 20:49:15.843  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] l.processors.AbstractDeploymentProcessor : ----- </ fileBasedDeploymentEventProcessor @ editorial-serverless-delivery > -----
    322019-12-20 20:49:15.843  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] l.processors.AbstractDeploymentProcessor : ----- < fileBasedDeploymentEventProcessor @ editorial-serverless-delivery > -----
    332019-12-20 20:49:15.844  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] essors.FileBasedDeploymentEventProcessor : Event events.deployment.clearCache=2019-12-20T20:49:15.843Z saved to deployment-events.properties
    342019-12-20 20:49:15.844  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] l.processors.AbstractDeploymentProcessor : ----- </ fileBasedDeploymentEventProcessor @ editorial-serverless-delivery > -----
    352019-12-20 20:49:15.844  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] l.processors.AbstractDeploymentProcessor : ----- < fileBasedDeploymentEventProcessor @ editorial-serverless-delivery > -----
    362019-12-20 20:49:15.844  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] essors.FileBasedDeploymentEventProcessor : Event events.deployment.rebuildGraphQL=2019-12-20T20:49:15.844Z saved to deployment-events.properties
    372019-12-20 20:49:15.844  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] l.processors.AbstractDeploymentProcessor : ----- </ fileBasedDeploymentEventProcessor @ editorial-serverless-delivery > -----
    382019-12-20 20:49:15.845  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] l.processors.AbstractDeploymentProcessor : ----- < s3SyncProcessor @ editorial-serverless-delivery > -----
    392019-12-20 20:49:15.845  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] oyer.impl.processors.aws.S3SyncProcessor : Performing S3 sync with bucket s3://serverless-test-site-editorial/...
    402019-12-20 20:49:15.846  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] oyer.impl.processors.aws.S3SyncProcessor : Uploading 1 files
    412019-12-20 20:49:15.880  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] l.processors.AbstractDeploymentProcessor : ----- </ s3SyncProcessor @ editorial-serverless-delivery > -----
    422019-12-20 20:49:15.880  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] l.processors.AbstractDeploymentProcessor : ----- < fileOutputProcessor @ editorial-serverless-delivery > -----
    432019-12-20 20:49:15.881  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] oyer.impl.processors.FileOutputProcessor : Successfully wrote deployment output to /home/ubuntu/code/craftercms/crafter-authoring/logs/deployer/editorial-serverless-delivery-deployments.csv
    442019-12-20 20:49:15.882  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] l.processors.AbstractDeploymentProcessor : ----- </ fileOutputProcessor @ editorial-serverless-delivery > -----
    452019-12-20 20:49:15.882  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] org.craftercms.deployer.impl.TargetImpl  : ============================================================
    462019-12-20 20:49:15.882  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] org.craftercms.deployer.impl.TargetImpl  : Deployment for editorial-serverless-delivery finished in 15.878 secs
    472019-12-20 20:49:15.882  INFO 18846 --- [deployment-8] org.craftercms.deployer.impl.TargetImpl  : ============================================================

     1[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,061 [pool-3-thread-10] [] [context.SiteContextManager] | ==================================================
     2[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,061 [pool-3-thread-10] [] [context.SiteContextManager] | <Creating site context: editorial>
     3[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,061 [pool-3-thread-10] [] [context.SiteContextManager] | ==================================================
     4[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,115 [pool-3-thread-10] [] [context.SiteContextFactory] | --------------------------------------------------
     5[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,115 [pool-3-thread-10] [] [context.SiteContextFactory] | <Loading configuration for site: editorial>
     6[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,115 [pool-3-thread-10] [] [context.SiteContextFactory] | --------------------------------------------------
     7[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,115 [pool-3-thread-10] [] [config.MultiResourceConfigurationBuilder] | Loading XML configurations in the order in which the properties will be resolved
     8[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,146 [pool-3-thread-10] [] [config.MultiResourceConfigurationBuilder] | XML configuration loaded from editorial:/config/engine/site-config.xml
     9[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,146 [pool-3-thread-10] [] [context.SiteContextFactory] | --------------------------------------------------
    10[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,146 [pool-3-thread-10] [] [context.SiteContextFactory] | </Loading configuration for site: editorial>
    11[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,146 [pool-3-thread-10] [] [context.SiteContextFactory] | --------------------------------------------------
    12[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,146 [pool-3-thread-10] [] [context.SiteContextFactory] | --------------------------------------------------
    13[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,146 [pool-3-thread-10] [] [context.SiteContextFactory] | <Loading application context for site: editorial>
    14[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,146 [pool-3-thread-10] [] [context.SiteContextFactory] | --------------------------------------------------
    15[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,164 [pool-3-thread-10] [] [xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader] | Loading XML bean definitions from editorial:/config/engine/application-context.xml
    16[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,178 [pool-3-thread-10] [] [support.GenericApplicationContext] | Refreshing org.springframework.context.support.GenericApplicationContext@1c0f754a: startup date [Fri Dec 20 20:50:00 UTC 2019]; parent: Root WebApplicationContext
    17[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,178 [pool-3-thread-10] [] [context.SiteContextFactory] | --------------------------------------------------
    18[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,178 [pool-3-thread-10] [] [context.SiteContextFactory] | </Loading application context for site: editorial>
    19[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,179 [pool-3-thread-10] [] [context.SiteContextFactory] | --------------------------------------------------
    20[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,179 [pool-3-thread-10] [] [context.SiteContextFactory] | --------------------------------------------------
    21[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,179 [pool-3-thread-10] [] [context.SiteContextFactory] | <Loading URL rewrite engine for site: editorial>
    22[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,179 [pool-3-thread-10] [] [context.SiteContextFactory] | --------------------------------------------------
    23[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,214 [pool-3-thread-10] [] [context.SiteContextFactory] | --------------------------------------------------
    24[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,214 [pool-3-thread-10] [] [context.SiteContextFactory] | </Loading URL rewrite engine for site: editorial>
    25[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,214 [pool-3-thread-10] [] [context.SiteContextFactory] | --------------------------------------------------
    26[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,214 [pool-3-thread-10] [] [context.SiteContextFactory] | --------------------------------------------------
    27[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,214 [pool-3-thread-10] [] [context.SiteContextFactory] | <Scheduling job scripts for site: editorial>
    28[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,214 [pool-3-thread-10] [] [context.SiteContextFactory] | --------------------------------------------------
    29[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,260 [pool-3-thread-10] [] [context.SiteContextFactory] | --------------------------------------------------
    30[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,260 [pool-3-thread-10] [] [context.SiteContextFactory] | </Scheduling job scripts for site: editorial>
    31[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,260 [pool-3-thread-10] [] [context.SiteContextFactory] | --------------------------------------------------
    32[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,260 [pool-7-thread-1] [editorial] [context.SiteContext] | --------------------------------------------------
    33[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,261 [pool-7-thread-1] [editorial] [context.SiteContext] | <Initializing context site: editorial>
    34[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,261 [pool-7-thread-1] [editorial] [context.SiteContext] | --------------------------------------------------
    35[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,261 [pool-7-thread-1] [editorial] [cache.SiteCacheWarmerImpl] | Starting warm up for cache of site 'editorial'
    36[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,261 [pool-7-thread-1] [editorial] [cache.ContentStoreAdapterPreloadedFoldersBasedCacheWarmer] | Starting preload of folder [/templates] with depth -1
    37[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,731 [pool-7-thread-1] [editorial] [cache.ContentStoreAdapterPreloadedFoldersBasedCacheWarmer] | Preload of folder [/templates] with depth -1 completed in 0 secs
    38[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:00,731 [pool-7-thread-1] [editorial] [cache.ContentStoreAdapterPreloadedFoldersBasedCacheWarmer] | Starting preload of folder [/scripts] with depth -1
    39[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:01,301 [pool-7-thread-1] [editorial] [cache.ContentStoreAdapterPreloadedFoldersBasedCacheWarmer] | Preload of folder [/scripts] with depth -1 completed in 0 secs
    40[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:01,301 [pool-7-thread-1] [editorial] [cache.ContentStoreAdapterPreloadedFoldersBasedCacheWarmer] | Starting preload of folder [/site] with depth 3
    41[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:02,734 [pool-7-thread-1] [editorial] [cache.ContentStoreAdapterPreloadedFoldersBasedCacheWarmer] | Preload of folder [/site] with depth 3 completed in 1 secs
    42[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:02,734 [pool-7-thread-1] [editorial] [cache.ContentStoreServiceTreeBasedContextCacheWarmer] | Starting preload of tree [/site] with depth 3
    43[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:02,743 [pool-7-thread-1] [editorial] [cache.ContentStoreServiceTreeBasedContextCacheWarmer] | Preload of tree [/site] with depth 3 completed in 0 secs
    44[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:02,744 [pool-7-thread-1] [editorial] [cache.SiteCacheWarmerImpl] | Warm up for cache of site 'editorial' completed in 2 secs
    45[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:02,744 [pool-7-thread-1] [editorial] [context.SiteContext] | Starting GraphQL schema build for site 'editorial'
    46[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:04,360 [pool-7-thread-1] [editorial] [graphql.GraphQLFactory] | No custom GraphQL schema found for site 'editorial'
    47[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:04,368 [pool-7-thread-1] [editorial] [context.SiteContext] | GraphQL schema build completed for site 'editorial' in 1 secs
    48[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:04,368 [pool-7-thread-1] [editorial] [context.SiteContext] | --------------------------------------------------
    49[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:04,368 [pool-7-thread-1] [editorial] [context.SiteContext] | </Initializing context site: editorial>
    50[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:04,368 [pool-7-thread-1] [editorial] [context.SiteContext] | --------------------------------------------------
    51[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:04,393 [pool-3-thread-10] [] [context.SiteContextManager] | Site context created: SiteContext{siteName='editorial', context=S3Context{id='1e6ab45b41978c4e0fa43ec37e1fc0ef', rootFolderPath='s3://serverless-test-site-editorial/editorial'}, fallback=false, staticAssetsPath='/static-assets', templatesPath='/', restScriptsPath='/scripts/rest', controllerScriptsPath='/scripts/controllers'}
    52[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:04,393 [pool-3-thread-10] [] [context.SiteContextManager] | ==================================================
    53[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:04,393 [pool-3-thread-10] [] [context.SiteContextManager] | </Creating site context: editorial>
    54[INFO] 2019-12-20T20:50:04,393 [pool-3-thread-10] [] [context.SiteContextManager] | ==================================================

Step 5: Test the Delivery Site

Open a browser and go to https://DOMAIN_OF_YOUR_CLOUDFRONT. You should be able to see your Editorial site!

Serverless Site - Editorial Screenshot


The following error appears in the deployer logs (CRAFTER_HOME/logs/deployer/crafter-deployer.out) when a site hasn’t been published:

2020-07-07 15:33:00.004 ERROR 22576 --- [deployment-9] l.processors.AbstractDeploymentProcessor : Processor 'gitDiffProcessor' for target 'ed-serverless-delivery' failed
org.craftercms.deployer.api.exceptions.DeployerException: Failed to open Git repository at /home/ubuntu/craftercms/crafter-authoring/data/repos/sites/ed/published;

Once the site has been published, the error above will go away.