• Document Up to Date
  • Updated On 4.1.7

Studio Clustering Enterprise only feature

Crafter Studio can be clustered for high-availability.

Here’s an overview of a serverless Studio Enterprise cluster:

CrafterCMS - Studio Enterprise Clustering Serverless

Here’s an overview of a disk-based Studio Enterprise cluster:

CrafterCMS - Studio Enterprise Clustering Disk-Based

A node is a server running an instance of Crafter Studio and a cluster consists of two or more nodes. In the image above, two Crafter Studio instances are clustered as primary and replica.

When setting up a Studio cluster, a specific node needs to be started first as a reference point, then the other node/s can join and form the cluster. This is known as cluster bootstrapping. Bootstrapping is the first step to introduce a node as Primary Component, which others will see as a reference point to sync up with.

The Primary Component is a central concept on how to ensure that there is no opportunity for database inconsistency or divergence between the nodes in case of a network split. The Primary Component is a set of nodes that communicate with each other over the network and contains the majority of the nodes. There’s no Primary Component yet when starting up a cluster, hence the need of the first node to bootstrap the Component. The other nodes will then look for the existing Primary Component to join.


Studio nodes use an in-memory distributed data store to orchestrate the bootstrapping of the Primary Component, so you don’t need to do it. When the cluster is started, the nodes synchronize through the data store to decide which one does the bootstrapping, and then the rest join the Primary Component.

Once the cluster is up, one node in the cluster is elected to be the primary and the rest of the node(s) as replica(s). Deployment processors can be configured when Studio Clustering is setup.

Crafter Studio provides a Cluster tool that allows administrators to monitor the status of nodes in the cluster. To access the Cluster tool, click the mainMenu Navigation Menu icon from the top right of the browser, then click on Cluster from the Sidebar.

Studio Clustering Screen

The Cluster tool provides the following information on the nodes in the cluster:

  • State: Indicates whether the node is ACTIVE (green dot), STARTING (yellow dot) or OUT_OF_SYNC (red dot)

  • Role: Indicates whether the node is the Primary or a Replica

  • Local Address: The local address of the node

  • Git: The Git remote name and URL

  • Sync Status: Displays the sync status of the node where:

    • Event handler setup: Indicates whether the node is ready to receive events

    • Initial repo sync: Indicates whether the node is done syncing when bootstrapping a new replica. Note: This only applies to nodes with the Replica role

  • DB Replication Threads: Indicates whether the Replication I/O thread (IO) and the Replication SQL thread (SQL) are running. Note: This only applies to nodes with the Replica role


Before we begin configuring Studio for clustering, the following must be setup:

  • A load balancer or DNS server directing traffic to the primary node, and can failover to the replica node if the primary is not healthy


We’ll take a look at an example of how to setup a two node cluster with Studio step by step here. Afterwards, you can then take a look at an example of setting up Studio clustering using a Kubernetes deployment

Setup a Two Node Cluster with Studio

In this section, we’ll look at an example of how to setup a two node cluster with Studio.

To setup a two node cluster with Studio we’ll need to do the following:

  1. Configure Nodes in the Cluster

  2. Start the Nodes in the Cluster


  • At least 2 servers running Linux (Remember that Studio’s cluster runs only in Linux) with the following ports open:

    • 8080 for http

    • 33306 for the DB

    • 5701 for hazelcast

  • Enterprise version of CrafterCMS

  • Studio’s clustering requires the libssl1.0.0 (or libssl1.0.2) shared library. Some Linux distros does not come with the library pre-installed and may need to be installed.

Configuring Nodes in the Cluster

  1. Install the Enterprise version of CrafterCMS on all the nodes

  2. Configure the Git repository clustering for all nodes by configuring the following settings in the studio-config-override.yaml file.

    ##                 Clustering                   ##
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # IMPORTANT: To enable clustering, please specify the following Spring profile
    # in your crafter-setenv.sh:
    #  - SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=crafter.studio.dbClusterPrimaryReplica
    #    You will need to uncomment the Hazelcast and Studio DB Cluster property sections too
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Cluster Git URL format for synching members.
    # - Typical SSH URL format: ssh://{username}@{localAddress}{absolutePath}
    # - Typical HTTPS URL format: https://{localAddress}/repos/sites
    studio.clustering.sync.urlFormat: ssh://{username}@{localAddress}{absolutePath}
    # Notifications
    #studio.notification.cluster.startupError.subject: "Action Required: Studio Cluster Error"
    #studio.notification.cluster.startupError.template: startupError.ftl
    #studio.notification.cluster.startupError.recipients: admin@example.com
    # Cluster member registration, this registers *this* server into the pool
    # Cluster node registration data, remember to uncomment the next line
    #  This server's local address (reachable to other cluster members). You can also specify a different port by
    #  attaching :PORT to the address (e.g.
    #  localAddress: ${env:CLUSTER_NODE_ADDRESS}
    #  Authentication type to access this server's local repository
    #  possible values
    #   - none (no authentication needed)
    #   - basic (username/password authentication)
    #   - key (ssh authentication)
     authenticationType: none
    #  Username to access this server's local repository
    #  username: user
    #  Password to access this server's local repository
    #  password: SuperSecurePassword
    #  Private key to access this server's local repository (multiline string)
    #  privateKey: |
    #    -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
    #    privateKey
    #    -----END PRIVATE KEY-----

    Uncomment and leave the value of studio.clustering.node.registration.localAddress as ${env:CLUSTER_NODE_ADDRESS} (you will configure the node address in a later step), then configure the repository authentication:

    • studio.clustering.node.registration.authenticationType: authentication type to access this server’s local repository

    • studio.clustering.node.registration.username: username to access this server’s local repository

    • studio.clustering.node.registration.password: password to access this server’s local repository

    • studio.clustering.node.registration.privateKey: private key to access this server’s local repository (multiline string) when using key as authentication type to access this server’s local repository


    You can use the node’s default SSH keys, located in ~/.ssh/id_rsa and ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub, if you set the authenticationType to none. You can also use ~/.ssh/config if you need to configure certain aspects of SSH authentication, like StrictHostKeyChecking. For example, you can disable StrictHostKeyChecking for hostnames with *.hostnamespace so that you don’t need to validate the SSH host keys before running Studio:

    Host *.hostnamespace
        StrictHostKeyChecking no

    To configure a list of email recipients to inform them of a startup failure, uncomment and configure the following:

    • studio.notification.cluster.startupError.subject: subject for the email

    • studio.notification.cluster.startupError.template: template used for the email message

    • studio.notification.cluster.startupError.recipients: list of emails to send the notification, must be separated by commas.

    Configure the Hazelcast configuration file location in Studio, by uncommenting studio.hazelcast.config.location. You will create the Hazelcast configuration file in a later step.

    ##                 Hazelcast                    ##
    # Location of the Hazelcast config path (must be in YAML format)
    studio.hazelcast.config.location: classpath:crafter/studio/extension/hazelcast-config.yaml

    Configure the following times and locations. Leave the environment variables, e.g. ${env:MARIADB_CLUSTER_NAME}. You can see the configuration of the environment variables in a later step.

    ##                Studio DB Cluster             ##
    # DB cluster name
    studio.db.cluster.name: ${env:MARIADB_CLUSTER_NAME}
    # Count for the number of Studio cluster members
    studio.db.cluster.nodes.count: ${env:MARIADB_CLUSTER_NODE_COUNT}
    # DB cluster address of the local node (which will be seen by other members of the cluster)
    studio.db.cluster.nodes.local.address: ${env:MARIADB_CLUSTER_NODE_ADDRESS}
    # DB cluster name of the local node (which will be seen by other members of the cluster)
    studio.db.cluster.nodes.local.name: ${env:MARIADB_CLUSTER_NODE_NAME}
    # Time in seconds when each Studio member of the DB cluster should report its status
    studio.db.cluster.nodes.status.report.period: 30
    # Time in seconds when each report of a DB member should expire (needs to be higher than the report period)
    studio.db.cluster.nodes.status.report.ttl: 60
    # Time in seconds before giving up on waiting for all cluster members to appear online on startup
    studio.db.cluster.nodes.startup.wait.timeout: 300
    #Time in seconds before giving up on waiting for cluster bootstrap to complete (at least a node is active,
    # which means the node is synced AND its Studio has finished starting up)
    studio.db.cluster.bootstrap.wait.timeout: 180

  3. Configure the environment variables for the nodes in the crafter-setenv.sh file.

    # Uncomment to enable clustering
    export SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=crafter.studio.dbClusterPrimaryReplica
    # -------------------- Cluster variables -------------------
    export CLUSTER_NODE_ADDRESS=${CLUSTER_NODE_ADDRESS:="$(hostname -i)"}
    # -------------------- MariaDB Cluster variables --------------------
    export MARIADB_CLUSTER_NAME=${MARIADB_CLUSTER_NAME:="studio_db_cluster"}
    # Uncomment to enable primary/replica clustering
    # CRAFTER_DB_CLUSTER_SERVER_ID must have different value across cluster nodes. Value is numeric with range 1 to 4294967295
    OCTET_0=`expr match "$IP" '\([0-9]\+\)\..*'`
    OCTET_1=`expr match "$IP" '[0-9]\+\.\([0-9]\+\)\..*'`
    OCTET_2=`expr match "$IP" '[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.\([0-9]\+\)\..*'`
    OCTET_3=`expr match "$IP" '[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.\([0-9]\+\)'`
    BIN=$(($((OCTET_0 * $((256**3))))+$((OCTET_1 * $((256**2))))+$((OCTET_2 * 256))+$((OCTET_3 * 1))))
    # CRAFTER_DB_CLUSTER_SERVER_ID must have different value across cluster nodes. Value is numeric with range 1 to 4294967295
    # Cluster bin log base name for primary replica replication
    # Cluster wait interval for replica to be ready on startup
    # Database replication user
    # Database replication password


    • SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE: with the value crafter.studio.dbClusterPrimaryReplica, enables primary/replica clustering

    • CLUSTER_NODE_ADDRESS: hostname or IP of the local node to be registered in the Git repository cluster, should be reachable to other cluster members.

    • MARIADB_CLUSTER_NAME: name of the MariaDB cluster.

    • MARIADB_CLUSTER_NODE_COUNT: the number of Studio nodes in the cluster.

    • MARIADB_CLUSTER_NODE_ADDRESS: hostname of IP of the local node to be registered to the MariaDB cluster, should be reachable to other cluster members.

    • MARIADB_CLUSTER_NODE_NAME: name of cluster node to be registered to the MariaDB cluster.

  4. Create a Hazelcast configuration file in shared/classes/crafter/studio/extension/hazelcast-config.yaml.

    Studio uses Hazelcast as the in-memory distributed data store to orchestrate the bootstrapping of the MariaDB cluster. You can find more about Hazelcast in https://hazelcast.org/ and its configuration in https://docs.hazelcast.org/docs/latest/manual/html-single/#understanding-configuration. In this configuration file you specify the way the nodes discover each other in the Hazelcast cluster.

    We recommend you create a simple configuration in each node with the list of addresses of the cluster nodes:

            enabled: false
            enabled: true

    If using Kubernetes, Studio also supports configuration through the Kubernetes Hazelcast Plugin:

            enabled: false
            enabled: true
            namespace: default
            service-name: authoring-service-headless
            resolve-not-ready-addresses: true


    Please apply the rbac.yaml mentioned in the Kubernetes Hazelcast Plugin documentation in your Kubernetes cluster, before even starting any Studio pods.

Starting the Nodes in the Cluster

After finishing the node configurations, we are now ready to start the cluster. Please start the cluster nodes in close succession, one after the other. If you take more than 5 minutes to start all the cluster nodes then the nodes already running will timeout while trying to synchronize for bootstrapping (you can configure this timeout in the bin/apache-tomcat/shared/classes/crafter/studio/extension/studio-config-override.yaml file, under the property studio.db.cluster.nodes.startup.wait.timeout).

Authoring Load Balancer

To configure the authoring load balancer to detect which node is the Primary and send traffic to it, we should review the health-check API. The health-check endpoint is at /studio/api/2/monitoring/status?token={your management token} which returns the current status of a node, including the role (primary or replica) and status for accepting traffic when clustering is enabled. Note that the Primary node is the only node that returns HTTP Code 200, while the Replicas return HTTP Code 202. This can be used as the main mechanism for the LB to know where to route traffic.

Below is a sample health response for the load balancer for a primary node:

Studio monitoring API response - Primary status 200
  "response": {
    "code": 0,
    "message": "OK",
    "remedialAction": "",
    "documentationUrl": ""
  "status": {
    "uptime": 330,
    "startup": "2024-02-06T20:12:24.956Z",
    "age": 275,
    "role": "PRIMARY",
    "readyToTakeTraffic": true,
    "readyToBecomePrimary": false

Below is a sample health response for the load balancer for a replica node:

Studio monitoring API response - Replica status 202:
  "response": {
    "code": 0,
    "message": "OK",
    "remedialAction": "",
    "documentationUrl": ""
  "status": {
    "uptime": 351,
    "startup": "2024-02-06T20:12:31.147Z",
    "age": 289,
    "role": "REPLICA",
    "readyToTakeTraffic": false,
    "readyToBecomePrimary": true

For information on errors you may encounter in your cluster, see Troubleshooting.

Configuring the Deployer for Studio Clustering

Since 4.1.1

The deployer is cluster aware and is able to run deployment processors based on the value set in the deployment processor property runInClusterMode (described here) and the value returned by the Studio clusterMode API.

The runInClusterMode property can be configured for any processor in the deployer target context xml, e.g:

<bean id="gitDiffProcessor" parent="deploymentProcessor"
    <property name="localRepoFolder" value="${target.localRepoPath}"/>
    <property name="blobFileExtension" value="${deployer.main.targets.config.blob.file.extension}"/>
    <property name="processedCommitsStore" ref="processedCommitsStore"/>
    <property name="runInClusterMode" value="ALWAYS" />

Or in the target yaml configuration:

{site}-authoring.yaml example file

- processorName: searchIndexingProcessor
  excludeFiles: ['^/sources/.*$']
  runInClusterMode: "ALWAYS"

Remember that the clusterMode API needs the studioManagementToken configured in the target like below:

Sample STUDIO configuration in the base-target.yaml
  studioUrl: http://localhost:8080/studio
  studioManagementToken: ${deployer.main.management.studioAuthorizationToken}

The deployment processor configured above runs whenever the clusterMode returned is not UNKNOWN and meets one of the following conditions:

  • runInClusterMode is set to ALWAYS

  • runInClusterMode value matches the current clusterMode


Studio clustering is based on Primary/Replica clustering mechanics. Failure scenarios:

  • Replica node(s) failure: In case of one or more replicas failing, the cluster will continue to work normally. New replicas can join and catch up.

  • Primary node failure: In case of the primary node failing, the load balancer or DNS must either automatically or manually redirect or repoint traffic to the next healthy node.

    • The replicas will automatically perform an election and appoint a new primary. The new primary’s health check will report that it’s ready to receive traffic, the load balancer or DNS can then redirect or repoint traffic to the new primary.

    • As a new node or the old failed primary rejoin the cluster, they’ll assume a replica role and catch up with the new primary.

Crafter Studio provides a health check endpoint at /studio/api/2/monitoring/status?token={your management token}. You can use this endpoint to check the health of any node in the cluster. This can be used to facilitate automatic failover.

Multi-Region Considerations

For clusters with nodes in multi-regions utilizing S3 buckets, AWS provides solutions for handling multi-region deployments of S3 buckets.

AWS supports access points for managing access to a shared bucket on S3. For more information on Amazon S3 Access Points, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/access-points.html

For clusters with S3 buckets located in multiple AWS regions, Amazon S3 Multi-Region Access Points provide a global endpoint that applications can use to fulfill requests from. For more information on Multi-Region Access Points in Amazon S3, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/MultiRegionAccessPoints.html

AWS S3 also supports bucket replication (S3 replication) irrespective of the region they belong to, which provides data protection against disasters, minimizing latency, etc. For more information on S3 bucket replication for use with multi-region access points, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/MultiRegionAccessPointBucketReplication.html

Here’s some more information on S3 replication: https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2020/12/amazon-s3-replication-adds-support-two-way-replication/

Backup and Restore

CrafterCMS comes with a script to backup and restore your environment, as described here

There are a couple of ways to backup and restore your cluster:

  • Shutdown the cluster first then back up the Primary and the Replicas and restore both nodes when necessary

  • Shutdown the cluster first then backup and restore only 1 node (Primary or Replica), which will become Primary. You then have to add a Replica using the instructions here.


Check if the Cluster is Running

There are a few ways to check that the cluster is running.

  • via logs

  • via the status

  • via the Global Transaction ID

  • via the Cluster tool in Studio UI

Via Logs

To check that the cluster is up, you can inspect the $CRAFTER_HOME/logs/tomcat/catalina.out of the nodes for the following entries:

  • Primary starting up (one of the nodes):

    [INFO] 2022-01-28T18:07:54,009 [main] [cluster.DbPrimaryReplicaClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl] | Synchronizing startup of node with DB cluster 'studio_db_cluster'
    28-Jan-2022 18:07:54.016 INFO [main] com.hazelcast.internal.partition.impl.PartitionStateManager.null []:5701 [dev] [4.2.4] Initializing cluster partition table arrangement...
    [INFO] 2022-01-28T18:07:54,178 [main] [cluster.DbPrimaryReplicaClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl] | Waiting for initial report of all 2 DB cluster members...
    [INFO] 2022-01-28T18:08:24,237 [main] [cluster.DbPrimaryReplicaClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl] | Waiting for initial report of all 2 DB cluster members...
    [INFO] 2022-01-28T18:08:54,241 [main] [cluster.DbPrimaryReplicaClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl] | All 2 DB cluster members have started up
    [ERROR] 2022-01-28T18:08:54,242 [main] [cluster.DbPrimaryReplicaClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl] |
    DbPrimaryReplicaClusterMember {address='', port='33306', name='', status='null', timestamp=1643389674007, primary=false, file='null', position=0, replica=false, ioRunning='null', sqlRunning='null', secondsBehindMaster=9223372036854775807}
    [INFO] 2022-01-28T18:08:54,251 [main] [cluster.DbPrimaryReplicaClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl] | Local DB cluster node will start primary.
    [INFO] 2022-01-28T18:08:54,252 [main] [mariadb4j.DB] | Starting up the database...

  • Rest of the nodes:

    [INFO] 2022-01-28T18:08:28,078 [main] [cluster.DbPrimaryReplicaClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl] | Synchronizing startup of node with DB cluster 'studio_db_cluster'
    [INFO] 2022-01-28T18:08:28,153 [main] [cluster.DbPrimaryReplicaClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl] | Waiting for initial report of all 2 DB cluster members...
    [INFO] 2022-01-28T18:08:58,167 [main] [cluster.DbPrimaryReplicaClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl] | All 2 DB cluster members have started up
    [ERROR] 2022-01-28T18:08:58,169 [main] [cluster.DbPrimaryReplicaClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl] |
    DbPrimaryReplicaClusterMember {address='', port='33306', name='', status='null', timestamp=1643389708075, primary=false, file='null', position=0, replica=false, ioRunning='null', sqlRunning='null', secondsBehindMaster=9223372036854775807}
    [INFO] 2022-01-28T18:08:58,183 [main] [cluster.DbPrimaryReplicaClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl] | Waiting for primary to start...
    [INFO] 2022-01-28T18:09:28,195 [main] [cluster.DbPrimaryReplicaClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl] | primary started
    [INFO] 2022-01-28T18:09:28,202 [main] [mariadb4j.DB] | Starting up the database...

Via the Status

You can also check that the cluster is working by logging into MariaDB with the mysql client from the primary or the replica and checking the status:

  1. From the command line in the server, go to $CRAFTER_HOME/bin/dbms/bin and run the mysql program

    ./mysql -S /tmp/MariaDB4j.33306.sock

  2. Inside the MySQL client, run the following:


    MariaDB [crafter]> SHOW MASTER STATUS\G
    *************************** 1. row ***************************
                File: crafter_cluster-bin.000001
            Position: 2812853
    1 row in set (0.000 sec)


    MariaDB [crafter]> SHOW SLAVE STATUS\G                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      [42/1943]
    *************************** 1. row ***************************
              Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event
                 Master_User: crafter_replication
                 Master_Port: 33306
               Connect_Retry: 60
             Master_Log_File: crafter_cluster-bin.000001
         Read_Master_Log_Pos: 2776943
              Relay_Log_File: crafter_cluster-relay-bin.000004
               Relay_Log_Pos: 656828
       Relay_Master_Log_File: crafter_cluster-bin.000001
            Slave_IO_Running: Yes
           Slave_SQL_Running: Yes

Via the Global Transaction ID

On a primary server, all database updates are written into the binary log as binlog events. A replica server connects to the primary and reads the binlog events, then applies the events locally to replicate the changes in the primary. For each event group (transaction) in the binlog, a unique id is attached to it, called the Global Transaction ID or GTID.

To check our cluster, we can check the gtid_current_pos system variable in the primary and the gtid_slave_pos system variable in the replica.

The gtid_current_pos system variable contains the GTID of the last transaction applied to the database for each replication domain. The value is read-only, but it is updated whenever a transaction is written to the binary log and/or replicated by a replica thread, and that transaction’s GTID is considered newer than the current GTID for that domain.

The gtid_slave_pos system variable contains the GTID of the last transaction applied to the database by the server’s replica threads for each replication domain. This system variable’s value is automatically updated whenever a replica thread applies an event group.

To learn more about the global transaction ID, see https://mariadb.com/kb/en/gtid/

To check the gtid_current_pos and gtid_slave_pos system variables, log into MariaDB with the mysql client from the primary or the replica:

  1. From the command line in the server, go to $CRAFTER_HOME/bin/dbms/bin and run the mysql program

    ./mysql -S /tmp/MariaDB4j.33306.sock

  2. Inside the MySQL client, run the following:

    Primary: SELECT @@GLOBAL.gtid_current_pos;

    MariaDB [(none)]> SELECT @@GLOBAL.gtid_current_pos;
    | @@GLOBAL.gtid_current_pos |
    | 0-167772164-2132          |
    1 row in set (0.000 sec)

    Replica: SELECT @@GLOBAL.gtid_slave_pos;

    MariaDB [(none)]> SELECT @@GLOBAL.gtid_slave_pos;
    | @@GLOBAL.gtid_slave_pos |
    | 0-167772164-2145        |
    1 row in set (0.000 sec)

Via Studio UI

Crafter Studio provides a tool for checking on the status of your cluster. To open the tool, click the mainMenu Navigation Menu icon from the top right of the browser, then click on Cluster from the Sidebar.

Studio Clustering Screen

The above image shows a working cluster. See the Cluster Tool section above for more information on the items displayed in the tool.

Git/DB Sync Failure

Whenever your authoring cluster has a Git or DB sync failure, the following logs may appear:

Sample log for an authoring cluster Git sync startup failure
[ERROR] 2022-10-19T17:22:24,358 [main] [validation.ReplicaNodeRepositoryCheck] | Branch 'master' in repository '/opt/crafter/cluster/crafter/data/repos/sites/ed123/sandbox/.git' has commits ahead of the primary node at ''
[ERROR] 2022-10-19T17:22:24,359 [main] [validation.NodeStateCheckerImpl] | Failed to start Crafter Studio cluster node due to start-up conflicts. Please review the logs and resolve the conflicts.
[ERROR] 2022-10-19T17:22:24,598 [main] [cluster.StudioClusterUtils] | Error notification email has been sent
Sample log for an authoring cluster DB sync startup failure
Caused by: org.craftercms.studio.api.v2.exception.DbClusterStartupException: Failed to start DB replica: Error 'Duplicate entry '4' for key 'PRIMARY'' on query. Default database: 'crafter'. Query: 'INSERT INTO audit (organization_id, site_id, operation, operation_timestamp, origin, primary_target_id,
     primary_target_type, primary_target_subtype, primary_target_value, actor_id, actor_details, cluster_node_id)
     'admin', 'User', NULL, 'admin', 'admin',
     NULL, '')'
         at org.craftercms.studio.impl.v2.dal.cluster.DbPrimaryReplicaClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl.checkForErrors(DbPrimaryReplicaClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl.java:598) ~[classes/:4.0.2-SNAPSHOT]
         at org.craftercms.studio.impl.v2.dal.cluster.DbPrimaryReplicaClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl.waitForLocalReplicaToSync(DbPrimaryReplicaClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl.java:571) ~[classes/:4.0.2-SNAPSHOT]
         at org.craftercms.studio.impl.v2.dal.cluster.DbPrimaryReplicaClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl.synchronizeStartup(DbPrimaryReplicaClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl.java:270) ~[classes/:4.0.2-SNAPSHOT]
         at org.craftercms.studio.impl.v2.dal.cluster.DbPrimaryReplicaClusterAwareMariaDB4jSpringService.start(DbPrimaryReplicaClusterAwareMariaDB4jSpringService.java:51) ~[classes/:4.0.2-SNAPSHOT]
         at ch.vorburger.mariadb4j.MariaDB4jService.postConstruct(MariaDB4jService.java:64) ~[mariaDB4j-core-2.5.3.jar:?]
         at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:?]

An email will also be sent to the configured list of recipients to inform them of the failure.

See the Setup a Two Node Cluster with Studio article then scroll to the failure notification properties section for more information on how to configure the list of recipients to be informed in case of a startup failure in the authoring cluster.

This section discusses how to fix the sync failure in your authoring cluster.

Fixing the Sync Failure

The first thing to do when a sync failure happens is to figure out whether the sync failure is in the DB or Git. The email sent to configured recipients when the sync failure happened will indicate whether it’s a DB or a Git sync failure. From the logs, you can also determine if it was a DB or a Git sync failure.

DB sync failure

For a DB sync failure, the logs will contain a message like below:

Failed to start DB replica:

as seen above and the following email will be sent if configured:

CrafterCMS - Studio Enterprise Clustering DB sync failure email

Before performing any valid intervention on the database, it will need to be started first, then the user needs to login.

  1. The first thing that needs to be done is to start the database. To start the database, run the following:

    CRAFTER_HOME/bin/dbms/bin/mysqld --no-defaults --console --basedir=CRAFTER_HOME/bin/dbms --datadir=CRAFTER_HOME/data/db --port=33306 --socket=/tmp/MariaDB4j.33306.sock --max_allowed_packet=128M --max-connections=500

    This is the output when running the command above:

    /opt/crafter/bin/dbms/bin/mysqld --no-defaults --console --basedir=/opt/crafter/bin/dbms --datadir=/opt/crafter/data/db --port=33306 --socket=/tmp/MariaDB4j.33306.sock --max_allowed_packet=128M --max-connections=500
    2022-10-20 19:49:22 0 [Note] ./mysqld (mysqld 10.4.20-MariaDB) starting as process 8862 ...
    2022-10-20 19:49:23 0 [Note] InnoDB: Using Linux native AIO
    2022-10-20 19:49:23 0 [Note] InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use GCC atomic builtins
    2022-10-20 19:49:23 0 [Note] InnoDB: Uses event mutexes
    2022-10-20 19:49:23 0 [Note] InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.11
    2022-10-20 19:49:23 0 [Note] InnoDB: Number of pools: 1
    2022-10-20 19:49:23 0 [Note] InnoDB: Using SSE2 crc32 instructions
    2022-10-20 19:49:23 0 [Note] InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, total size = 128M, instances = 1, chunk size = 128M
    2022-10-20 19:49:23 0 [Note] InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool
    2022-10-20 19:49:23 0 [Note] InnoDB: If the mysqld execution user is authorized, page cleaner thread priority can be changed. See the man page of setpriority().
    2022-10-20 19:49:23 0 [Note] InnoDB: 128 out of 128 rollback segments are active.
    2022-10-20 19:49:23 0 [Note] InnoDB: Creating shared tablespace for temporary tables
    2022-10-20 19:49:23 0 [Note] InnoDB: Setting file './ibtmp1' size to 12 MB. Physically writing the file full; Please wait ...
    2022-10-20 19:49:23 0 [Note] InnoDB: File './ibtmp1' size is now 12 MB.
    2022-10-20 19:49:23 0 [Note] InnoDB: Waiting for purge to start
    2022-10-20 19:49:23 0 [Note] InnoDB: 10.4.20 started; log sequence number 1389822; transaction id 407
    2022-10-20 19:49:23 0 [Note] InnoDB: Loading buffer pool(s) from /opt/crafter/data/db/ib_buffer_pool
    2022-10-20 19:49:23 0 [Note] Plugin 'FEEDBACK' is disabled.
    2022-10-20 19:49:23 0 [Note] Server socket created on IP: '::'.
    2022-10-20 19:49:23 0 [Note] InnoDB: Buffer pool(s) load completed at 221020 19:49:23
    2022-10-20 19:49:23 0 [Note] Reading of all Master_info entries succeeded
    2022-10-20 19:49:23 0 [Note] Added new Master_info '' to hash table
    2022-10-20 19:49:23 0 [Note] ./mysqld: ready for connections.
    Version: '10.4.20-MariaDB'  socket: '/tmp/MariaDB4j.33306.sock'  port: 33306  MariaDB Server
  2. Login to the database by running the following command then entering the database root password:

    CRAFTER_HOME/bin/dbms/bin/mysql -u <db_root_user> -p --socket=/tmp/MariaDB4j.33306.sock

    The <db_root_user> by default is root with password set to root or empty. Remember to replace <db_root_user> with the actual root user (MARIADB_ROOT_USER) value and enter the actual password (MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWD) value used in your system, which can be found in the crafter-setenv.sh file under the CRAFTER_HOME/bin folder.

    In the sample run below, the default root user root is used and the corresponding password:

    ./mysql -u root -p --socket=/tmp/MariaDB4j.33306.sock
    Enter password:
    Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
    Your MariaDB connection id is 8
    Server version: 10.4.20-MariaDB MariaDB Server
    Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.
    Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
    MariaDB [(none)]>

The intervention on the database may now be performed once the admin is logged in to the database. After performing the fix, stop the database then restart the node.

If an admin reviews the node states and thinks everything is fine but still receives DB sync errors, the admin may decide if MariaDB should ignore those errors and continue. To ignore the errors, a manual intervention is required and may be done by following the instructions here

Git sync failure

For a Git sync failure, the logs will contain a message like below:

Branch 'master' in repository '/opt/crafter/data/repos/sites/ed123/sandbox/.git' has commits ahead of the primary node

as seen above and the following email will be sent if configured:

CrafterCMS - Studio Enterprise Clustering Git sync failure email

If there is any divergent history, the node will fail to startup and the admins would need to remove any commits “ahead” of primary branch. That would apply for all repositories (global, site sandbox, site published).

After reviewing the logs (tomcat logs and git log), there are a few ways to go about fixing the sync problem:

  • Manually remove the extra commits, do a git reset --hard

  • Manually move the extra commits into the primary corresponding repository

  • Shutdown new primary and start the failing one as primary

Changing the Cluster Git URL

When the cluster Git URL for syncing members is changed after a cluster has been setup and started, the nodes on the disk may contain the old URL format when starting up. The following error appears in the log when switching the URL from SSH to HTTPS:

[ERROR] 2021-03-12T18:54:02,887 [pool-5-thread-10] [job.StudioClockExecutor] | Error executing Studio Clock Job
java.lang.ClassCastException: org.eclipse.jgit.transport.TransportHttp cannot be cast to org.eclipse.jgit.transport.SshTransport

To sync the Git URL format on disk with the new format set in the config, the remotes will need to be recreated

To recreate a remote:

  1. Stop the cluster

  2. Update the configuration file with the desired URL format in all your nodes

    # Cluster Git URL format for synching members.
    # - Typical SSH URL format: ssh://{username}@{localAddress}{absolutePath}
    # - Typical HTTPS URL format: https://{localAddress}/repos/sites
    studio.clustering.sync.urlFormat: ssh://{username}@{localAddress}{absolutePath}

  3. Remove the remotes in all your nodes via the command line interface using git in the global repo and the sandbox and published repos of all the sites in the cluster.

    The global repo is located in CRAFTER_HOME/data/repos/global, the sandbox repo of a site is located in CRAFTER_HOME/data/repos/sites/<site-name>/sandbox and the published repo of a site is located in CRAFTER_HOME/data/repos/sites/<site-name>/published

    The cluster remote names are available from Cluster in the Studio global menu.

    Studio Clustering Screen - Remote names of nodes listed in Studio Main Menu - Cluster

    Remember to only remove the cluster remotes. Cluster remote names start with cluster_. See example below:

    List of remotes for the sandbox repository of site video
    $ git remote -v
    cluster_node_192.168.1.103        ssh://myuser@ (fetch)
    cluster_node_192.168.1.103        ssh://myuser@ (push)
    origin    https://github.com/craftercms/video-center-blueprint.git (fetch)
    origin    https://github.com/craftercms/video-center-blueprint.git (push)

    To remove a remote, run git remote rm <remote_name>, where remote_name is the name of remote as seen from the Cluster screen in the Studio Main Menu. Let’s use the remote name cluster_node_192.168.1.103 for our example on removing a remote

    Remove remote
    $ git remote rm cluster_node_192.168.1.103

    To verify the remotes are gone on disk, view the current remotes and make sure that the list does not contain a remote with a name beginning with cluster_xxxx:

    View current remotes
    $ git remote -v
    origin    https://github.com/craftercms/video-center-blueprint.git (fetch)
    origin    https://github.com/craftercms/video-center-blueprint.git (push)

  4. Start the cluster. Once the cluster is started, the remotes will be recreated. Verify that the URL format displayed in Cluster in the Studio global menu is the desired URL format.