• Document Up to Date
  • Updated On 4.1.1

Upgrading Studio Cluster Enterprise only feature

This section details how to upgrade your Studio cluster. Please read through the upgrade instructions here first as some of the steps are the same for upgrading your cluster. To upgrade the cluster, a node will be upgraded and brought up as the primary, then the other node/s will be added.

Upgrade Node

The first step in upgrading your Studio cluster is to upgrade a node and startup your cluster with just the one upgraded node. Here are the steps for upgrading a node:

  1. Stop the Studio cluster

  2. Do a backup of the primary and replica nodes using the crafter.sh script by running the following:

    Backup Studio by running the crafter.sh script
    ./bin/crafter.sh backup
  3. Download the CrafterCMS version you’d like to upgrade to, and extract the files on one of the nodes

  4. If you are upgrading from Studio version 3.1.x, run the upgrade-search.sh script from the new bundle, otherwise skip this step

    Run the upgrade-search script
    ./upgrade-search.sh /path/of/install/to/be/upgraded --stay-alive
  5. Run the upgrade-target.sh script from the new bundle

    Run the upgrade-target script
    ./upgrade-target.sh /path/of/install/to/be/upgraded
  6. Review the following configuration files to start Studio in cluster mode as described here:

    • bin/apache-tomcat/shared/classes/crafter/studio/extension/studio-config-override.yaml

    • bin/apache-tomcat/shared/classes/crafter/studio/extension/hazelcast-config.yaml

    • bin/crafter-setenv.sh
      Remember to change the MARIADB_CLUSTER_NODE_COUNT to 1 so that our cluster comes up with just one node

      Set MARIADB_CLUSTER_NODE_COUNT to 1 in bin/crafter-setenv.sh
  7. The next step is to run the post-upgrade script from our target install /path/of/install/to/be/upgraded/bin/upgrade


    If you are not upgrading from a Studio version 4.1.x install, remember to switch to Java 17 before running the post-upgrade.sh script.

    The post-upgrade.sh script will give you a prompt to continue. Before typing in Y, make sure that Studio has started successfully by monitoring the tomcat logs.

    Post-upgrade script beginning output
    Please make sure Crafter has started successfully before continuing
    > Continue? [(Y)es/(N)o]:

    Please note that Studio may take a while to start up because of upgrade manager updates performed when starting up Studio. Your tomcat log should look similar to below when Studio has started successfully:

    Tomcat log of Studio successfully started
    [INFO] 2023-07-27T15:57:39,603 [pool-19-thread-1] [remote01] [context.SiteContext] | --------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] 2023-07-27T15:57:39,602 [pool-18-thread-1] [editorial123] [context.SiteContext] | </Initializing context site: editorial123>
    [INFO] 2023-07-27T15:57:39,604 [pool-18-thread-1] [editorial123] [context.SiteContext] | --------------------------------------------------
    27-Jul-2023 15:57:40.119 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployWAR Deployment of web application archive [/opt/crafter/cluster/crafter/bin/apache-tomcat/webapps/ROOT.war] has finished in [7,357] ms
    27-Jul-2023 15:57:40.121 INFO [main] org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.start Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"]
    27-Jul-2023 15:57:40.130 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start Server startup in [113638] milliseconds

    Here’s the output of the post-upgrade.sh script after successfully completing the post-upgrade:

    Post-upgrade script output
    Please make sure Crafter has started successfully before continuing
    > Continue? [(Y)es/(N)o]: Y
    Re-creating Search indexes for sites
    WARNING: This will delete the current Search site indexes and recreate them.
    This is necessary because of a major Search upgrade. Don't proceed
    if you can't have any search downtime.
    > Proceed? [(Y)es/(N)o]: Y
    Re-index succesfully triggered for 'editorial123-authoring'
    Re-index succesfully triggered for 'editorial123-preview'
    Re-index succesfully triggered for 'remote01-authoring'
    Re-index succesfully triggered for 'remote01-preview'
    Re-index succesfully triggered for 'vc01-authoring'
    Re-index succesfully triggered for 'vc01-preview'
    Post-upgrade completed
    Crafter has already been started, you can use the system again
  8. Monitor the tomcat logs until the upgrade is finished. Check in Studio that your node is up:

    Upgrading Studio Cluster - Primary Node

Once the upgrade is finished shutdown Studio.

Add a New Node to Cluster

After upgrading a node, we can now add the rest of the node/s to the cluster. Here are the steps for adding a new node to the cluster:

  1. Stop the Studio cluster (the primary server)

  2. If you are upgrading from Studio version 3.1.x, make a copy of the data/db folder from the Primary server, then, on the server that will be a new Replica, extract the new bundle, then paste the data/db from previous step, otherwise, skip this step.

    Make a copy of the data/db folder in Primary server
    cd crafter/data
    tar -czvf dbData.tar.gz db/
    In the Replica server, paste the data/db folder copied from the Primary server
    cd crafter/data
    tar -xvf dbData.tar.gz
  3. In the Replica server, review the following configuration files to start Studio in cluster mode as described here:

    • bin/apache-tomcat/shared/classes/crafter/studio/extension/studio-config-override.yaml

    • bin/apache-tomcat/shared/classes/crafter/studio/extension/hazelcast-config.yaml

    • bin/crafter-setenv.sh
      Remember to set the MARIADB_CLUSTER_NODE_COUNT to 2

  4. Start the Primary first and wait until startup has completed by monitoring the tomcat logs and looking for something like below:

    Primary Tomcat startup logs
    [INFO] 2023-07-27T16:19:45,369 [main] [cluster.DbPrimaryReplicaClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl] | Synchronizing startup of node 'cluster1.craftercms.org' with DB cluster 'studio_db_cluster'
    27-Jul-2023 16:19:45.377 INFO [main] com.hazelcast.internal.partition.impl.PartitionStateManager.null []:5701 [dev] [5.2.3] Initializing cluster partition table arrangement...
    [INFO] 2023-07-27T16:19:45,523 [main] [cluster.DbPrimaryReplicaClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl] | All '1' cluster members have started up
    [INFO] 2023-07-27T16:19:45,547 [main] [cluster.DbPrimaryReplicaClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl] | Local DB cluster node will start primary.
  5. Start up the new Replica and wait until startup has completed by monitoring the tomcat logs and looking for something like below:

    New Replica tomcat startup logs
    [INFO] 2023-07-27T16:22:26,357 [main] [cluster.DbPrimaryReplicaClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl] | Context refreshed. Status of DB cluster node will switch to 'Active'
    [INFO] 2023-07-27T16:22:26,354 [studioTaskExecutor-1] [cluster.ClusterSandboxRepoSyncTask] | Received event 'SiteEvent{siteId='editorial123', timestamp=1690474946353, user=null}'
    [INFO] 2023-07-27T16:22:26,363 [studioTaskExecutor-3] [cluster.ClusterSandboxRepoSyncTask] | Received event 'SiteEvent{siteId='vc01', timestamp=1690474946354, user=null}'
    [INFO] 2023-07-27T16:22:26,365 [studioTaskExecutor-2] [cluster.ClusterSandboxRepoSyncTask] | Received event 'SiteEvent{siteId='remote01', timestamp=1690474946353, user=null}'
    [INFO] 2023-07-27T16:22:29,440 [main] [cluster.StudioClusterUtils] | This server is a replica node in a cluster, it will not perform any write
    27-Jul-2023 16:22:29.471 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployWAR Deployment of web application archive [/opt/crafter/cluster/crafter/bin/apache-tomcat/webapps/studio.war] has finished in [28,847] ms
    27-Jul-2023 16:22:29.474 INFO [main] org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.start Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"]
    27-Jul-2023 16:22:29.487 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start Server startup in [50244] milliseconds

    You will notice that when both servers have started successfully, Studio will begin to populate the data directory on the Replica.

    Upgrading Studio Cluster - Cluster Upgraded and Running