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Basic Query Mechanics

This cook book is intended to help you understand the types of content queries you can make in CrafterCMS.


  • None

  • Knowledge of Lucene query language and XPATH helpful

Types of Content Queries

CrafterCMS supports 4 specific types of content queries:

  • Cross content Solr queries. This enables you to query any/all content objects, by any group of properties)

  • Cross content Elasticsearch queries. This enables you to query any/all content objects, by any group of properties)

  • Filtered Structural Queries. This enables you to query against the repository structure e.g. “Get all articles by author XYZ”

  • Content Item specific query. This enables you to write queries inside of a given content item


Crafter Search and Solr is supported for backward compatibility. CrafterCMS’s default search engine is Elasticsearch.
To update your sites to Elasticsearch, follow the guide Migrating a site from Solr to Elasticsearch

Make a Solr Query


To use the search service described in this section, Solr needs to be started as described in Migrating a site from Solr to Elasticsearch

The following code examples use the Crafter Search Service in Crafter Engine to get content. You can find the interface for this service HERE

def queryStatement = "author:\"John Doe\""

def query = searchService.createQuery()

def executedQuery = searchService.search(query)
def itemsFound = executedQuery.response.numFound
def items = executedQuery.response.documents

return items

Make an Elasticsearch Query

To perform content queries in Elasticsearch you need to use the client provided by Crafter Engine, the bean name is elasticsearch and it can be used from any Groovy script.

You can find the interface for this service here

This client provides two ways for running queries:

Query Builders

You can use all classes available in the official Elasticsearch client package to build your queries. This method allow you to use builder objects to develop complex logic for building the queries.

Elasticsearch query using builders
 1// Import the required classes
 2import org.elasticsearch.action.search.SearchRequest
 3import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders
 4import org.elasticsearch.search.builder.SearchSourceBuilder
 6def queryStatement = 'content-type:"/component/article" AND author:"My User"'
 8// Use the appropriate builders according to your query
 9def builder = new SearchSourceBuilder()
10    .query(QueryBuilders.queryStringQuery(queryStatement))
12// Execute the query
13def executedQuery = elasticsearch.search(new SearchRequest().source(builder))
15def itemsFound = executedQuery.hits.totalHits
16def items = executedQuery.hits.hits
18return items


You can find detailed information for each builder in the java documentation

Query DSL

Instead of using the builders you can also provide a query as a single map following using the same structure that Elasticsearch uses for the REST API. This method is suitable for constant or simple queries that don’t require too much configuration.

Elasticsearch query using the DSL
 1// No imports are required for this method
 3// Execute the query as a single map object
 4def executedQuery = elasticsearch.search([
 5  query: [
 6    bool: [
 7      should: [
 8        [ match: [ 'content-type': "/component/article" ] ],
 9        [ match: [ author : "My User" ] ]
10      ]
11    ]
12  ]
15def itemsFound = executedQuery.hits.totalHits
16def items = executedQuery.hits.hits
18return items


You can find detailed information for the JSON DSL in the query documentation

Make a Query for Content Based on Structure

The following code examples use the Site Item Service in Crafter Engine to get content. You can find the interface for this service HERE

def topNavItems = [:]
def siteDir = siteItemService.getSiteTree("/site/website", 2)

if(siteDir) {
    def dirs = siteDir.childItems
    dirs.each { dir ->
            def dirName = dir.getStoreName()
            def dirItem = siteItemService.getSiteItem("/site/website/${dirName}/index.xml")
            if (dirItem != null) {
                def dirDisplayName = dirItem.queryValue('internal-name')
                   topNavItems.put(dirName, dirDisplayName)

return topNavItems

Make a Query for Content Based on Structure with Filter

The following code examples use the Site Item Service in Crafter Engine to get content. In the example we build on the Site Item Service of getting objects under a specific tree in the repository by supplying a filter that will be applied to each object first to determine if it should be part of the result. Filters can make their determination based on the path or the content or even “outside” influence.

  • You can find the interface for this service HERE

  • Note in the example below we define our own filter based on the ItemFilter interface found HERE

  • However, you may use out of the box filters as well if they meet your needs. These are found HERE

  • Finally be aware that for simple filename patterns, methods for this already exist in the Site Item Service and no filter is required (but they make for an simple to understand example.)

import org.craftercms.core.service.ItemFilter
import org.craftercms.core.service.Item
import java.util.List

def result = [:]
def navItems = [:]
def siteDir = siteItemService.getSiteTree("/site/website", 2, new StartsWithAItemFilter(), null)

if(siteDir) {
    def dirs = siteDir.childItems
    dirs.each { dir ->
            def dirName = dir.getStoreName()
            def dirItem = siteItemService.getSiteItem("/site/website/${dirName}/index.xml")
            if (dirItem != null) {
                def dirDisplayName = dirItem.queryValue('internal-name')
                   navItems.put(dirName, dirDisplayName)
result.navItems = navItems

return result

 * Define a filter that returns only items that have a name that starts with "A" or "a"
class StartsWithAItemFilter implements ItemFilter {

    public boolean runBeforeProcessing() {
        return true

    public boolean runAfterProcessing() {
        return false

    public boolean accepts(Item item, List acceptedItems, List rejectedItems, boolean runBeforeProcessing) {

      if (item.getName().toLowerCase().startsWith("a")) {
          return true

      return false

Make a Query Against Fields in a Content Object

The following code examples use the Site Item Service in Crafter Engine to get content. You can find the interface for this service HERE

def result = [:]
def segment = "a segment value" // could come from profile, query param etc

// load a specific content object
def itemDom = siteItemService.getSiteItem("/site/components/sliders/default.xml")

// query specific values from the object
result.header = itemDom.queryValue("/component/targetedSlide//segment[contains(.,'" +  segment + "')]../label")
result.image = itemDom.queryValue("/component/targetedSlide//segment[contains(.,'" +  segment + "')]/../image")

return result