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Setup a Two Node Cluster with Studio and a Studio Arbiter Enterprise only feature

Let’s take a look at an example of how to setup a two node cluster with Studio and a Studio Arbiter.

To setup a two node cluster with Studio we’ll need to do the following:

  1. Configure Nodes in the Cluster

  2. Start the Nodes in the Cluster

  3. Setup and Run the Studio Arbiter


  • At least 3 servers running Linux (Remember that Studio’s cluster runs only in Linux)

  • Enterprise version of CrafterCMS

  • If using an enterprise CrafterCMS installed from a binary archive, Git is required by CrafterCMS and may need to be installed if not already installed in the server.

  • Studio’s cluster requires the libssl1.0.0 (or libssl1.0.2) shared library. Some Linux distros does not come with the library pre-installed and may need to be installed.

Configuring Nodes in the Cluster

  1. Install the Enterprise version of CrafterCMS on all the nodes

  2. Configure the Git repository clustering for all nodes by configuring the following settings in the studio-config-override.yaml file.

    # Cluster Git URL format for synching members.
    # - Typical SSH URL format: ssh://{username}@{localAddress}{absolutePath}
    # - Typical HTTPS URL format: https://{localAddress}/repos/sites
    studio.clustering.sync.urlFormat: ssh://{username}@{localAddress}{absolutePath}
    # Cluster Syncers
    # Cluster member after heartbeat stale for amount of minutes will be declared inactive
    studio.clustering.heartbeatStale.timeLimit: 5
    # Cluster member after being inactive for amount of minutes will be removed from cluster
    studio.clustering.inactivity.timeLimit: 5
    # Cluster member registration, this registers *this* server into the pool
    # Cluster node registration data, remember to uncomment the next line
    #  This server's local address (reachable to other cluster members). You can also specify a different port by
    #  attaching :PORT to the adddress (e.g
    #  localAddress: ${env:CLUSTER_NODE_ADDRESS}
    #  Authentication type to access this server's local repository
    #  possible values
    #   - none (no authentication needed)
    #   - basic (username/password authentication)
    #   - key (ssh authentication)
     authenticationType: none
    #  Username to access this server's local repository
    #  username: user
    #  Password to access this server's local repository
    #  password: SuperSecurePassword
    #  Private key to access this server's local repository (multiline string)
    #  privateKey: |
    #    -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
    #    privateKey
    #    -----END PRIVATE KEY-----

    Uncomment and leave the value of studio.clustering.node.registration.localAddress as ${env:CLUSTER_NODE_ADDRESS} (you will configure the node address in a later step), then configure the repository authentication:

    • studio.clustering.node.registration.authenticationType: authentication type to access this server’s local repository

    • studio.clustering.node.registration.username: username to access this server’s local repository

    • studio.clustering.node.registration.password: password to access this server’s local repository

    • studio.clustering.node.registration.privateKey: private key to access this server’s local repository (multiline string) when using key as authentication type to access this server’s local repository


    You can use the node’s default SSH keys, located in ~/.ssh/id_rsa and ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub, if you set the authenticationType to none. You can also use ~/.ssh/config if you need to configure certain aspects of SSH authentication, like StrictHostKeyChecking. For example, you can disable StrictHostKeyChecking for hostnames with *.hostnamespace so that you don’t need to validate the SSH host keys before running Studio:

    Host *.hostnamespace
        StrictHostKeyChecking no

    Configure the Hazelcast configuration file location in Studio, by uncommenting studio.hazelcast.config.location. You will create the Hazelcast configuration file in a later step.

    ##                 Hazelcast                    ##
    # Location of the Hazelcast config path (must be in YAML format)
    studio.hazelcast.config.location: classpath:crafter/studio/extension/hazelcast-config.yaml

    Configure the following times and locations. Leave the environment variables, e.g. ${env:MARIADB_CLUSTER_NAME}. You can see the configuration of the environment variables in a later step.

    ##                Studio DB Cluster             ##
    # DB cluster library location
    # studio.db.cluster.lib.location: ${env:CRAFTER_BIN_DIR}/dbms/libs/galera/libgalera_smm.so
    # The path where the grastate.dat file resides
    studio.db.cluster.grastate.location: ${studio.db.dataPath}/grastate.dat
    # DB cluster name
    studio.db.cluster.name: ${env:MARIADB_CLUSTER_NAME}
    # Count for the number of Studio cluster members (without counting the arbiter)
    studio.db.cluster.nodes.count: ${env:MARIADB_CLUSTER_NODE_COUNT}
    # DB cluster address of the local node (which will be seen by other members of the cluster)
    studio.db.cluster.nodes.local.address: ${env:MARIADB_CLUSTER_NODE_ADDRESS}
    # DB cluster name of the local node (which will be seen by other members of the cluster)
    studio.db.cluster.nodes.local.name: ${env:MARIADB_CLUSTER_NODE_NAME}
    # Time in seconds when each Studio member of the DB cluster should report its status
    studio.db.cluster.nodes.status.report.period: 30
    # Time in seconds when each report of a DB member should expire (needs to be higher than the report period)
    studio.db.cluster.nodes.status.report.ttl: 60
    # Time in seconds before giving up on waiting for all cluster members to appear online on startup
    studio.db.cluster.nodes.startup.wait.timeout: 300
    #Time in seconds before giving up on waiting for cluster bootstrap to complete (at least a node is active,
    # which means the node is synced AND its Studio has finished starting up)
    studio.db.cluster.bootrap.wait.timeout: 180
    # Time in seconds before giving up on the local node to finish synching with the cluster
    studio.db.cluster.nodes.local.synced.wait.timeout: 180

  3. Configure the environment variables for the nodes in the crafter-setenv.sh file.

    # Uncomment to enable clustering of Studio
    export SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=crafter.studio.dbCluster
    # -------------------- Cluster variables -------------------
    export CLUSTER_NODE_ADDRESS=${CLUSTER_NODE_ADDRESS:="$(hostname -i)"}
    # -------------------- MariaDB Cluster variables --------------------
    export MARIADB_CLUSTER_NAME=${MARIADB_CLUSTER_NAME:="studio_db_cluster"}


    • SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE: with the value crafter.studio.dbCluster, enables clustering

    • CLUSTER_NODE_ADDRESS: hostname or IP of the local node to be registered in the Git repository cluster, should be reachable to other cluster members.

    • MARIADB_CLUSTER_NAME: name of the MariaDB cluster.

    • MARIADB_CLUSTER_NODE_COUNT: the number of Studio nodes in the cluster. The Studio Arbiter node is not included in the count.

    • MARIADB_CLUSTER_NODE_ADDRESS: hostname of IP of the local node to be registered to the MariaDB cluster, should be reachable to other cluster members.

    • MARIADB_CLUSTER_NODE_NAME: name of cluster node to be registered to the MariaDB cluster.

  4. Create a Hazelcast configuration file in shared/classes/crafter/studio/extension/hazelcast-config.yaml.

    Studio uses Hazelcast as the in-memory distributed data store to orchestrate the bootstrapping of the MariaDB cluster. You can find more about Hazelcast in https://hazelcast.org/ and its configuration in https://docs.hazelcast.org/docs/latest/manual/html-single/#understanding-configuration. In this configuration file you specify the way the nodes discover each other in the Hazelcast cluster.

    We recommend you create a simple configuration in each node with the list of addresses of the cluster nodes:

            enabled: false
            enabled: true

    If using Kubernetes, Studio also supports configuration through the Kubernetes Hazelcast Plugin:

            enabled: false
            enabled: true
            namespace: default
            service-name: authoring-service-headless
            resolve-not-ready-addresses: true


    Please apply the rbac.yaml mentioned in the Kubernetes Hazelcast Plugin documentation in your Kubernetes cluster, before even starting any Studio pods.

Starting the Nodes in the Cluster

After finishing the node configurations, we are now ready to start the cluster. Please start the cluster nodes in close succession, one after the other. If you take more than 5 minutes to start all the cluster nodes then the nodes already running will timeout while trying to synchronize for bootstrapping (you can configure this timeout in studio-config-override.yaml, under the property studio.db.cluster.nodes.startup.wait.timeout).

To check that the cluster is up, you can inspect the $CRAFTER_HOME/logs/tomcat/catalina.out of the nodes for the following entries:

  • Bootstrap of the DB cluster (one of the nodes):

    [INFO] 2020-04-08T18:00:06,140 [localhost-startStop-1] [cluster.DbClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl] | Synchronizing startup of node with DB cluster 'studio_db_cluster'
    [INFO] 2020-04-08T18:00:06,192 [localhost-startStop-1] [cluster.DbClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl] | All 2 DB cluster members have started up
    [INFO] 2020-04-08T18:00:06,218 [localhost-startStop-1] [cluster.DbClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl] | DB cluster is new. This node will bootstrap the cluster
    [INFO] 2020-04-08T18:00:06,220 [localhost-startStop-1] [cluster.DbClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl] | Local DB cluster node will bootstrap cluster
    [INFO] 2020-04-08T18:00:06,524 [localhost-startStop-1] [mariadb4j.DB] | Database startup complete.
    [INFO] 2020-04-08T18:00:06,615 [localhost-startStop-1] [cluster.DbClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl] | Local DB cluster node is synced
    [INFO] 2020-04-08T18:00:11,915 [localhost-startStop-1] [cluster.DbClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl] | Context refreshed. Status of DB cluster node will switch to 'Active'

  • Rest of the nodes joining the cluster:

    [INFO] 2020-04-08T17:59:59,026 [localhost-startStop-1] [cluster.DbClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl] | Synchronizing startup of node with DB cluster 'studio_db_cluster'
    [INFO] 2020-04-08T17:59:59,459 [localhost-startStop-1] [cluster.DbClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl] | Waiting for initial report of all 2 DB cluster members...
    [INFO] 2020-04-08T18:00:29,466 [localhost-startStop-1] [cluster.DbClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl] | All 2 DB cluster members have started up
    [INFO] 2020-04-08T18:00:29,492 [localhost-startStop-1] [cluster.DbClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl] | This DB cluster node is new, and cluster is already being bootstrapped by another node
    [INFO] 2020-04-08T18:00:29,495 [localhost-startStop-1] [cluster.DbClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl] | Waiting for DB cluster to bootstrap...
    [INFO] 2020-04-08T18:00:59,499 [localhost-startStop-1] [cluster.DbClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl] | DB cluster bootstrapped
    [INFO] 2020-04-08T18:00:59,501 [localhost-startStop-1] [cluster.DbClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl] | Local DB cluster node will join cluster gcomm://
    [INFO] 2020-04-08T18:01:04,063 [localhost-startStop-1] [mariadb4j.DB] | Database startup complete.
    [INFO] 2020-04-08T18:01:04,165 [localhost-startStop-1] [cluster.DbClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl] | Local DB cluster node is synced
    [INFO] 2020-04-08T18:01:09,266 [localhost-startStop-1] [cluster.DbClusterSynchronizationServiceImpl] | Context refreshed. Status of DB cluster node will switch to 'Active'

You can also check that the cluster is working by logging into MariaDB with the mysql client from one of the Studio nodes and verifying that your cluster size is 2:

  1. From the command line in the server, go to $CRAFTER_HOME/bin/dbms/bin and run the mysql program

    ./mysql -S /tmp/MariaDB4j.33306.sock

  2. Inside the MySQL client, run show status like 'wsrep_cluster_size':

    MariaDB [(none)]> show status like 'wsrep_cluster_size';
    | Variable_name      | Value |
    | wsrep_cluster_size | 2     |
    1 row in set (0.001 sec)

Setup the Studio Arbiter

Whenever the number of Studios in the cluster is an even number, the Studio Arbiter needs to be started. To setup the Studio Arbiter:


Studio Arbiter can’t run on any authoring server because it needs to use the same ports that Studio uses.

  1. Copy the Studio Arbiter executable to a new server, the file is located at:


  2. Configure the Arbiter by setting the following environment variables:

    • CLUSTER_NAME: The name of the cluster to join (defaults to studio_db_cluster)

    • HAZELCAST_CONFIG: The path for the Hazelcast YAML configuration (defaults to config/hazelcast-config.yaml)

    Example configuration for the Studio Arbiter
    # Studio Arbiter configuration
    export CLUSTER_NAME=studio_db_cluster
    export HAZELCAST_CONFIG=/opt/studio-arbiter/config/hazelcast-config.yaml

  3. Run the arbiter java -jar studio-arbiter.jar. To check that the arbiter is running and part of the cluster, you can check the cluster size by logging into MariaDB from one of the Studio nodes and verify that your cluster size is now 3:

  4. From the command line in the server, go to $CRAFTER_HOME/bin/dbms/bin and run the mysql program

    ./mysql -S /tmp/MariaDB4j.33306.sock

  5. Inside the MySQL client, run show status like 'wsrep_cluster_size':

    MariaDB [(none)]> show status like 'wsrep_cluster_size';
    | Variable_name       | Value |
    | wsrep_cluster_size  | 3     |
    1 row in set (0.000 sec)