• Document Up to Date
  • Since 4.0.0


Adds the configuration to connect to CrafterCMS


crafter-cli add-environment --password [--config=path] -e=<environment>
                            [-p=<profile>] -u=<url> --username=<username>


    --config=path         The folder to store configurations
-e, --environment=<environment>
                          The name of the environment
-p, --profile=<profile>   The name of the profile (a label to group related configurations)
    --password            The password for authentication
    --token               The access token for authentication
-u, --url=<url>           The URL of the server
    --username=<username> The username for authentication


Here’s an example of issuing the add-environment command to setup the connection to CrafterCMS. We’ll use local for the name, http://localhost:8080 for the url, and a token for the authentication. (See here for the steps on how to create a token.) Leave the token blank, you will be prompted for the token after issuing the add-environment command:

  ./crafter-cli add-environment -e local -u http://localhost:8080 --token
Enter value for --token (The access token for authentication):
Environment added

If you’re using HTTP basic for authentication when issuing the add-environment command, use username and password for the authentication. Remember to enable the flag for HTTP basic auth to enable using the username and password for authentication as described here.

We’ll use local for the name, http://localhost:8080 for the url, and john for the username. Leave the password blank, you will be prompted for the password after issuing the add-environment command:

  ./crafter-cli add-environment -e local -u http://localhost:8080 --username john --password
Enter value for --password (The password for authentication):
Environment added