Working with Crafter Studio’s APIs
In this section, we’ll show the basics of interacting with Crafter Studio APIs by performing the following:
Get a list of projects under management
Write content to a project
We’ll use CURL, a ubiquitous Linux command tool as our client.
You can find the full Crafter Studio API for CrafterCMS here
Most Crafter Studio API requires users to authenticate first. When a user authenticates via the login API call, this establishes a session which is provided per J2EE in a JSESSIONID cookie. Future calls must send this cookie.
Crafter Studio APIs are protected using a CSRF Token so all POST
calls need to include a cookie named XSRF-TOKEN and a header named X-XSRF-TOKEN with a matching value to work.
As we’ll see below, the Login API sends a header and a cookie CSRF/XSRF token value which must also be sent in subsequent calls. The value is arbitrary and is dictated by the caller. Strong values are more secure than predictable weak ones.
Let’s begin:
We’ll use the authenticate API Login
curl -d '{"username":"admin","password":"admin"}' --cookie "XSRF-TOKEN=A_VALUE" --header "X-XSRF-TOKEN:A_VALUE" --header "Content-Type: application/json" -v -X POST http://localhost:8080/studio/api/1/services/api/1/security/login.json
The first thing you’ll note is that we’re going to perform a
, passing the username and password as a JSON object. In a production environment, you will want to use HTTPS.The next thing you will notice, we are passing a cookie
and a headerX-XSRF-TOKEN
. The value passed for these are arbitrary. They must match and they must be passed in all future PUT and POST API calls. These are used to protect against certain cross-browser scripting attacks. If you are using Studio APIs as part of a web client you want to make sure these values are randomly generated.After issuing the CURL command you will get back a response:
1* Trying ::1... 2* Trying 3* Connected to localhost ( port 8080 (#0) 4> POST /studio/api/1/services/api/1/security/login.json HTTP/1.1 5> Host: localhost:8080 6> User-Agent: curl/7.43.0 7> Accept: */* 8> Cookie: XSRF-TOKEN=A_VALUE 9> X-XSRF-TOKEN:A_VALUE 10> Content-Type: application/json 11> Content-Length: 39 12> 13* upload completely sent off: 39 out of 39 bytes 14< HTTP/1.1 200 15< Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate 16< Pragma: no-cache 17< Expires: 0 18< Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=2E114725C82F3EE44ADC04B578A3BE8F; Path=/studio; HttpOnly 19< Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 20< Content-Language: en-US 21< Transfer-Encoding: chunked 22< Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2018 21:32:48 GMT 23< 24* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact 25{"username":"admin","first_name":"admin","last_name":"admin","email":""}
Note the response returned is a successful 200 status code and the response contains JSON with details for the authenticated user.
Also found as part of the request is the
cookie. You will need this value for all future requests.Note
When using Spring Security (HTTP basic auth), the session id changes by default after logging in. Remember to make your application aware of the session id change by picking up the new session.
Let’s take a look at an example. We’ll login first, then validate the session. Take note of the session id change after sending the second curl command below:
curl -d '{ "username":"admin", "password":"admin" }' --cookie-jar session.txt --cookie "XSRF-TOKEN=A_VALUE" --header "X-XSRF-TOKEN:A_VALUE" --header "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8080/studio/api/1/services/api/1/security/login.json --insecure
curl -v --cookie-jar session.txt --cookie session.txt --cookie "XSRF-TOKEN=A_VALUE" --header "X-XSRF-TOKEN:A_VALUE" --header "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET "http://localhost:8080/studio/api/1/services/api/1/security/validate-session.json" --insecure
Why does the session Id change when I authenticate through Spring Security?
With the default configuration, Spring Security invalidates the existing session when the user authenticates and creates a new one, transferring the session data to it. The intention is to change the session identifier to prevent “session-fixation” attacks. You can find more about this online and in the reference manual.
Get a list of projects under management
We’ll get a list of sites the user is authorized to work with Get Sites per User
curl --cookie "XSRF-TOKEN=A_VALUE;JSESSIONID=2E114725C82F3EE44ADC04B578A3BE8F" -H "X-XSRF-TOKEN:A_VALUE" -X GET http://localhost:8080/studio/api/1/services/api/1/site/get-per-user.json?username=admin
Note the CURL command contains your session ID and XSRF tokens. After issuing the CURL command you will get a response that contains sites your user has access to:
The response above contains a number of projects. In the next call we will write a content object to one of the projects (editorialcom.) To do this we need the site ID. We get this from the response above: editorialcom
Write content to a project
We’ll now write content to the Editorial com Project Write Content
curl -d "<page><content-type>/page/category-landing</content-type><display-template>/templates/web/pages/category-landing.ftl</display-template><merge-strategy>inherit-levels</merge-strategy><file-name>index.xml</file-name><folder-name>test3</folder-name><internal-name>test3</internal-name><disabled >false</disabled></page>" --cookie "XSRF-TOKEN=A_VALUE;JSESSIONID=2E114725C82F3EE44ADC04B578A3BE8F" -H "X-XSRF-TOKEN:A_VALUE" -X POST "http://localhost:8080/studio/api/1/services/api/1/content/write-content.json?site=editorialcom&phase=onSave&path=/site/website/test3/index.xml&fileName=index.xml&user=admin&contentType=/page/category-landing&unlock=true"
In the call above note:
We are passing in content as the POST body. The content is in XML format. In CrafterCMS, content objects are stored as simple XML documents. We are passing the Session ID and the XSRF tokens. We are passing a number of parameters that tell CrafterCMS where and how to store the content in the repository
Using the above examples as a guide, we can now interact with any Crafter Studio API found here