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  • Updated On 4.0.0

Engine Multi-Target Configuration

There are some cases where the Engine configuration files need to have different values per publishing target. Say for a production environment where you have staging to test out your project and live , the project to be used by end users, you may need different SAML authentication mechanics or different URL rewrites.

The Engine Multi-Environment Configuration section detailed how to setup Engine configuration files per environment. CrafterCMS supports overriding Engine configuration files, not just per environment, but also per publishing target. It supports a base configuration per environment with the ability to override per publishing target.

The following engine configuration files can be setup for different publishing targets:

  • site-config.xml

  • application-context.xml

  • urlrewrite.xml

Here are the available publishing targets for the configuration files listed above:

  • preview

  • staging

  • live

Overriding Engine Configuration Files per Publishing Target

To override a configuration file in any of the publishing targets

  1. Add the new configuration file/s for overriding to Configurations under projectTools -> Configuration

    Multi-target Configuration - Open Configurations

    The overriding configuration file should be named configuration-to-be-overridden.publishing-target.xml. Depending on the publishing target you wish the configuration file to override, the files should look like one of the following:

    • configuration-to-be-overridden.preview.xml

    • configuration-to-be-overridden.staging.xml

    • configuration-to-be-overridden.live.xml

    Say, to add a urlrewrite.xml file override for staging, add the following in the Configurations

    Configurations - SITENAME/config/studio/administration/config-list.xml
      <title>Engine URL Rewrite (XML Style) Staging</title>
      <description>Engine URL Rewrite (XML Style) Staging</description>

    For more information on Configurations config file, see Configurations

  2. Fill in your desired additions/modifications to the override configuration file. Refresh your browser. The configuration file you added from above should now be available from projectTools -> Configuration. Open the new configuration file and make the necessary additions/modifications for the override file then save your changes.

    Multi-target Configuration - New configuration files added to dropdown list

  3. If the configuration file to be overridden is not for preview, publish the configuration file to the intended publishing target, staging or live


Let’s take a look at an example of overriding the Project Configuration used by Engine site-config.xml for the staging and live publishing targets so that each target has a different SAML authentication mechanics (different identity provider in staging and live). In our example, we will use a project created using the Website Editorial blueprint named mysite

  1. Add the new configuration file/s for overriding to Configurations under projectTools -> Configuration. We will be overriding the site-config.xml file in the staging and live publishing targets, so we will add to the configuration a site-config.staging.xml and site-config.live.xml files.

    Configurations - SITENAME/sandbox/config/studio/administration/config-list.xml
     2  <module>engine</module>
     3  <path>site-config.staging.xml</path>
     4  <title>Engine Project Configuration Staging</title>
     5  <description>Project Configuration used by Engine for the Staging publishing target</description>
     6  <samplePath>sample-engine-site-config.xml</samplePath>
     9  <module>engine</module>
    10  <path>site-config.live.xml</path>
    11  <title>Engine Project Configuration Live</title>
    12  <description>Project Configuration used by Engine for the Live publishing target</description>
    13  <samplePath>sample-engine-site-config.xml</samplePath>

  2. The configurations we added above will now be available from projectTools -> Configuration.

    Multi-target Configuration - Project Tools override configuration files now listed in "Project Tools" -> "Configuration"

    Enable SAML2 in the configuration with identity provider My IDP1 for the site-config.staging.xml and use identity provider My IDP2 for the site-config.live.xml.

     2  <version>4.0.1</version>
     4  <security>
     5    <saml2>
     6      <enable>true</enable>
     7      <attributes>
     8        <mappings>
     9          <mapping>
    10            <name>DisplayName</name>
    11            <attribute>fullName</attribute>
    12          </mapping>
    13        </mappings>
    14      </attributes>
    15      <role>
    16         <mappings>
    17            <mapping>
    18               <name>editor</name>
    19               <role>ROLE_EDITOR</role>
    20            </mapping>
    21         </mappings>
    22      </role>
    23      <keystore>
    24         <defaultCredential>my-site</defaultCredential>
    25         <password>superSecretPassword</password>
    26         <credentials>
    27            <credential>
    28               <name>my-site</name>
    29               <password>anotherSecretPassword</password>
    30            </credential>
    31         </credentials>
    32      </keystore>
    33      <identityProviderName>My IDP1</identityProviderName>
    34      <serviceProviderName>Crafter Engine</serviceProviderName>
    35   </saml2>
    36  </security>

    For more information on SAML2 configuration, see Engine SAML2 Configuration

  3. Publish site-config.live.xml to live and site-config.staging.xml to staging.

    To publish the override configuration files setup above, open the Dashboard via the Navigation Menu on the top right or via the Sidebar. Scroll to the My Recent Activity dashlet.

    Multi-target Configuration - New configuration files listed in the "My Recent Activity" dashlet in the Dashboard

    To publish the site-config.live.xml configuration file to publishing target live, put a check mark next to the file in the dashlet, then click on Publish from the context nav. Remember to set the Publishing Target to live in the Publish dialog

    Multi-target Configuration - Set "Publishing Target" to "live" in dialog for site-config.live.xml

    To publish the site-config.staging.xml file to publishing target staging put a check mark next to the file in the dashlet, then click on Publish from the context nav. Remember to set the Publishing Target to staging in the Publish dialog.

    The Engine site-config.live.xml configuration will now be loaded when viewing your project in live and the Engine site-config.staging.xml configuration will now be loaded when viewing your project in staging instead of the default Engine site-config.xml files