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Engine Crafter Profile Configuration


This guide includes Crafter Profile specific configuration only, for a general guide see Engine Site Security Guide

Crafter Engine needs access tokens to use Crafter Profile’s API. Each site must have it’s own access token. Follow the next steps to create one:

  1. Login to Crafter Profile Admin Console as a PROFILE_SUPERADMIN (by default the admin user has this role). See here for more information on the Crafter Profile Admin Console UI.

  2. Click on New Access Token in the navigation. Enter your site’s name on Application, leave the Master checkbox unselected, pick a proper Expiration Date (10 years from the current date is ok) and on Tenant Permissions add your tenant’s name to the input (Remember that your tenant’s name has to have the same name as your site. See the note below) and click on Add. By default the admin console auto-selects the 3 actions mentioned before. If you’re using the same access token as another environment (e.g. you want to use the same access token in dev and prod), copy the same access token ID from the other environment, and enter the same field values for Application, Master and Expiration Date. Finally, click on Accept.


    Authentication by default is done against a tenant with the same name as your site. See Tenants Management for more information on creating a tenant.


  3. Now that you have created the access token, you need to “tell” Engine to use it in your site. In Admin Console, click on List Access Tokens in the navigation menu and copy the ID of the token you just created. Then, depending on the mode Engine is running, add one of the following configurations (preview is ignored because normally predefined Personas are used, so there’s no need to access the Crafter Profile app).

    • Multi-tenant: You need to add the access token ID to the Config > Engine Site Configuration in Studio, and deploy the file to Engine:

      2    <api>
      3        <accessTokenId>6604d59a-fe1b-4cb3-a76f-bdb1eb61e8c2</accessTokenId>
      4    </api>
    • Single tenant: In the Tomcat where Engine is installed, go to shared/classes/crafter/engine/extension and add the access token ID as the following property:


Add Authentication

Add Registration

Normally, to add registration or sign up you just need to:

  1. Create a page with an HTML form that captures the user information for registration:

    1<form action="/registration" method="post">
    2    Email: <input type="text" name="email"></input><br/>
    3    First Name: <input type="text" name="firstname"></input><br/>
    4    Last Name: <input type="text" name="lastname"></input><br/>
    5    Password: <input type="password" name="password"></input><br/>
    6    <button type="submit">Submit</button>
  2. Create a controller script that receives the information and creates the respective profile. Assuming the controller should be under /registration, you need to create a script under Scripts > controllers > registration.post.groovy, with code similar to the following:

     1import utils.MailHelper
     3import org.craftercms.engine.exception.HttpStatusCodeException
     4import org.craftercms.profile.api.Profile
     5import org.craftercms.security.utils.SecurityUtils
     7def sendVerificationEmail(mailHelper, profile) {
     8    def token = profileService.createVerificationToken(profile.id.toString())
     9    def verificationUrl = urlTransformationService.transform("toFullUrl", "/verifyacct?token=${token.id}")
    10    def model = [:]
    11        model.profile = profile
    12        model.verificationUrl = verificationUrl
    14    mailHelper.sendEmail("noreply@example.com", profile.email, "Verify Account", "/templates/mail/verify-account.ftl", model)
    17def email = params.email
    18def firstName = params.firstname
    19def lastName = params.lastname
    20def password = params.password
    22if (!email) {
    23    throw new HttpStatusCodeException(400, "Bad request: missing email")
    24} else if (!firstName) {
    25    throw new HttpStatusCodeException(400, "Bad request: missing first name")
    26} else if (!lastName) {
    27    throw new HttpStatusCodeException(400, "Bad request: missing last name")
    28} else if (!password) {
    29    throw new HttpStatusCodeException(400, "Bad request: missing password")
    32def profile = profileService.getProfileByUsername(siteContext.siteName, email)
    33if (profile == null) {
    34    def attributes = [:]
    35        attributes.firstName = firstName
    36        attributes.lastName = lastName
    38    profile = profileService.createProfile(siteContext.siteName, email, password, email, false, null, attributes, null)
    40    sendVerificationEmail(new MailHelper(siteContext.freeMarkerConfig.configuration), profile)
    42    return "redirect:/"
    43} else {
    44    throw new HttpStatusCodeException(400, "User '${email}' already exists")
  3. Create also a MailHelper.groovy file under Classes > groovy > utils, with the following code:

     1package utils
     3import java.util.Properties
     5import org.craftercms.commons.mail.impl.EmailFactoryImpl
     6import org.craftercms.engine.exception.HttpStatusCodeException
     7import org.springframework.mail.javamail.JavaMailSenderImpl
     9class MailHelper {
    11    def emailFactory
    13    def MailHelper(freeMarkerConfig) {
    14        def javaMailProperties = new Properties()
    15            javaMailProperties["mail.smtp.auth"] = "false"
    16                  javaMailProperties["mail.smtp.starttls.enable"] = "false"
    18        def mailSender = new JavaMailSenderImpl()
    19            mailSender.host = "localhost"
    20            mailSender.port = 25
    21            mailSender.protocol = "smtp"
    22            mailSender.defaultEncoding = "UTF-8"
    23            mailSender.javaMailProperties = javaMailProperties
    25        emailFactory = new EmailFactoryImpl()
    26        emailFactory.mailSender = mailSender
    27        emailFactory.freeMarkerConfig = freeMarkerConfig
    28    }
    30    def sendEmail(from, to, subject, templateName, templateModel) {
    31        emailFactory.getEmail(from, (String[])[ to ], null, null, subject, templateName, templateModel, true).send()
    32    }
  4. Create the Freemarker template that will be used to send the verification emails to the users, under Templates > mail > verify-account.ftl:

     1<p>Hi ${profile.attributes.firstName}!</p>
     4    Thanks for joining MySite.com. To verify your new account, click or copy the link below in your browser:<br/>
     5    <a href="${verificationUrl}">${verificationUrl}</a>
     9    Thanks,<br/>
    10    The MySite.com Team
  5. Finally, add the controller that will perform the profile verification when the user clicks on the link included in the email and is redirected. If we used the code above, the script should be put in Scripts > controllers > verifyacct.get.groovy:

     1import org.craftercms.engine.exception.HttpStatusCodeException
     3def token = params.token
     4if (token) {
     5    profileService.verifyProfile(token)
     7    return "/templates/web/account-verified.ftl"
     8} else {
     9    throw new HttpStatusCodeException(400, "Bad request: token param is missing")

Add Single Sign-On

Configure SSO headers with at least a CRAFTER_secure_key, CRAFTER_username, CRAFTER_email and CRAFTER_groups (which must be a comma separated list of string) in the header, then check in Crafter Profile Admin Console to make sure that the Single sign-on enabled checkbox is selected in the tenant page.


All headers with the CRAFTER_ prefix will be mapped, without the prefix, to the attributes you defined in the Crafter Profile tenant, when a new user needs to be created. So the configuration above will cause the Security Provider to create a user with firstName, lastName and displayName attributes.


For CrafterCMS versions prior to 3.1.14, the prefix for the headers is MELLON_ instead of CRAFTER_ and can’t be changed via site configuration.

Add Facebook Login

  1. Be sure there’s a connections attribute of Complex type defined for the site’s Crafter Profile Tenant. This attribute is needed to store the Facebook connection info. To add this attribute to the Tenant, go to Crafter Profile Admin Console, select the Tenant and then add the attribute.

  2. Add the Facebook appSecret and appKey to your site’s config (in Studio, Config > Engine Site Configuration), like this:

    2    <facebookConnectionFactory>
    3        <appId>YOUR_APP_ID</appId>
    4        <appSecret>YOUR_APP_SECRET</appSecret>
    5    </facebookConnectionFactory>
  3. Add a JS method that is triggered when the user clicks on the “Login with Facebook” button, that displays the FB login popup when the user clicks on “Connect with Facebook”:

     1$("#connect").click(function() {
     2    try {
     3        var top = (screen.height / 2) - (300/ 2);
     4        var left = (screen.width / 2) - (500 / 2);
     5        var fbDialog = window.open('/connect/facebook_dialog', 'fbDialog', 'width=500, height=300, top=' + top + ', left=' + left);
     6        var interval = setInterval(function() {
     7            if (fbDialog == null || fbDialog.closed) {
     8                clearInterval(interval);
    10                location.reload();
    11            }
    12        }, 1000);
    13    } catch(e) {}
  4. Add a controller script under Scripts > controllers > connect > facebook_dialog.get.groovy, that will redirect to the actual Facebook login when the popup appears. The whole FB login process can be done with the help of the providerLoginSupport, provided automatically to all scripts. The start(tenant, providerId, request, additionalParams, connectSupport) method is used to create the proper Facebook redirect URL. Also, by creating a custom ConnectSupport with a callbackUrl you can tell Facebook the URL to redirect to after the user has logged in.

     1import org.springframework.social.connect.web.ConnectSupport
     2import org.springframework.util.LinkedMultiValueMap
     4def connectSupport = new ConnectSupport()
     5    connectSupport.callbackUrl = urlTransformationService.transform("toFullUrl", "/connect/facebook")
     7def additionalParams = new LinkedMultiValueMap<String, String>()
     8    additionalParams.add("scope", "email,public_profile")
     9    additionalParams.add("display", "popup")
    11return "redirect:" + providerLoginSupport.start(siteContext.siteName, "facebook", request, additionalParams, connectSupport)
  5. Under Scripts > controllers > connect > facebook.get.groovy, add the script to complete the Facebook connection. By calling providerLoginSupport.complete(tenant, providerId, request), the login process will automatically be completed for you, and a new user will be created if there wasn’t a previous one with the Facebook provided username or email.

    1providerLoginSupport.complete(siteContext.siteName, "facebook", request)
    3return "/templates/web/fb-login-done.ftl"