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Engine Site Security Guide

The following guide will help you configure Crafter Engine to:

  1. Add authentication for your website.

  2. Add authorization so that access to certain pages and URLs of your site are restricted.

Add Authentication

Crafter Engine is able to integrate with multiple authentication providers:

  1. Using SAML2

    To configure SAML 2.0, follow the instructions: Engine SAML2 Configuration

  2. Using Crafter Profile

    To configure Crafter Profile, follow the instructions: Engine Crafter Profile Configuration then do the following:

    Add Login

    To add a login page:

    1. In Crafter Studio, create a Home > Login page.

    2. The page template should contain a form that POSTs to /crafter-security-login, sending the username, password and rememberMe parameters, like in the following snippet:

       1<form action="/crafter-security-login" method="post">
       2  <label for="username">Username: </label>
       3  <input type="text" name="username"/>
       4  <br/>
       5  <label for="password">Password: </label>
       6  <input type="password" name="password"/>
       7  <br/>
       8  <input type="checkbox" name="rememberMe" value="true">Remember Me</input>
       9  <br/>
      10  <button type="submit">Sign in</button>

    Add Logout

    To add logout, just add a link in the global header that points to /crafter-security-logout:

    1<a href="/crafter-security-logout">Log Out</a>

Add Authorization

Adding authorization allows restricted access to certain pages and URLs of your site depending on what is setup.

Restrict Pages

You can restrict pages based on whether a user is authenticated or has a certain role. To do this, you need to follow the next steps to create in the page content type a Repeating Group with a text Input for the roles:

  1. In Studio, click on siteConfig.

  2. Click on Content Types then Open Existing Type and select the content type for the pages that you want to restrict.

  3. On Controls, select the Repeating Group and add it to any Form Section (you can even create an Authorization section just for these fields).

  4. In the Repeating Group properties, set the Title field to “Authorized Roles” and the Name / Variable Name field to “authorizedRoles.”

    Engine Site Security Guide - Authorized Roles Properties


    The UI autofills the Name/ Variable Name field and adds postfixes as you’re typing in the Title field. Remember to remove the postfix _o, as authorizedRoles is a reserved variable name used by CrafterCMS. For a list of variable names used by CrafterCMS, see Form Control Variable Names for more information

    The ROLE_ prefix is optional for values in authorizedRoles

  5. Add an Input control inside the Repeating Group, with the Title field set to “Role” and the Name / Variable Name field set to “role”. Make this Input required by checking the checkbox under Constraints in the Required field in the Properties Explorer.

    Engine Site Security Guide - Role Properties


    The UI autofills the Name/ Variable Name field and adds postfixes as you’re typing in the Title field. Remember to remove the postfix _o, as the role variable name is used by CrafterCMS for enforcing access to a page. For a list of variable names used by CrafterCMS, see Form Control Variable Names for more information

  6. Save the changes. The added fields should look like this:

    Engine Site Security Guide - Authorization Section

With these changes, now you or any other content author can go to any page of this content type and add the roles that are required to access the page. Two special roles which indicate authentication state can be used besides the roles that are included in user profiles: Anonymous and Authenticated. The complete access check algorithm executed by Crafter Engine is described below:

  1. If the page doesn’t contain any role, no authentication is needed.

  2. If the page has the role Anonymous, no authentication is needed.

  3. If the page has the role Authenticated, just authentication is needed.

  4. If the page has any other roles, the user needs to be authenticated and have any of those roles.

Restrict URLs

Sometimes it is not enough to restrict a single page. Sometimes you need to restrict an entire site subtree, or restrict several static assets. For this, CrafterCMS provides configuration parameters that allow you to restrict access based on URL patterns. You just need to add configuration similar to the following in Config > Engine Site Configuration:

2    <urlRestrictions>
3        <restriction>
4            <url>/user/*</url>
5            <expression>hasAnyRole({'user'\, 'admin'})</expression>
6        </restriction>
7    </urlRestrictions>

The <urlRestrictions> can contain any number of <restriction> elements. Each restriction is formed by an Ant-style path pattern (<url>) and a Spring EL expression (<expression>) executed against the current profile. If a request matches the URL, and the expression evaluates to false, access is denied. The following expressions can be used:

  • isAnonymous()

  • isAuthenticated()

  • hasRole('role')

  • hasAnyRole({'role1'\, 'role2'})

  • permitAll()

  • denyAll()


For the <url> Ant-style path pattern, <url>/*</url> indicates just one level of the URL and <url>/**</url> indicates all urls. For more information on Ant-style path pattern matching, see https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/javadoc-api/org/springframework/util/AntPathMatcher.html

For the hasAnyRole expression, remember to escape the comma , separating the roles inside the expression as shown above.

Access User Attributes

Once the authentication and authorization configurations are completed you can use the authToken object in templates and scripts to access the current user attributes. The class of the object will change depending of the authentication provider used, but you can always obtain an instance of CustomUser using the principal property.

Displaying the first name of the current user in Freemarker
1<#if authToken??>
2  Hello ${authToken.principal.attributes.firstName}!
4  <#-- show login button -->


You can find more details about the authToken variable in FreeMarker (Templating) API or Groovy API

Migrating from Crafter Profile

Prior to version 3.1.5 Crafter Profile was the only security provider available, all sites created in previous versions will continue to work without any changes, however if you need to migrate to a different provider like SAML2 you will need to replace all uses of the profile and authentication variables, both have been replaced with authToken.

In templates and scripts you can replace all uses of profile with authToken and profile.attributes with authToken.principal.attributes.


Some advanced uses like custom security filters will need to be updated to integrate with Spring Security


The variables profile and authentication will be null in most cases and should not be used anymore