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Engine Multi-Environment Configuration

Users may want multiple environments setup with different engine configurations for each environment, e.g. QA, Prod, Dev, etc.

The following engine configuration files can be setup for different environments:

  • site-config.xml

  • application-context.xml

  • urlrewrite.xml

Setting up an environment

To setup an environment for engine configuration files, do the following:

  1. Create a folder under data/repos/site/mysite/sandbox/config/engine called env

  2. Inside the folder, create a directory called myenv (or whatever you want to call the environment)

  3. Copy the configuration file you want to override in the new environment you are setting up, inside your myenv folder

  4. Remember to commit the files copied so Studio will pick it up.

  5. In the crafter-setenv.sh file in TOMCAT/bin set the following property to desired environment:

    # -------------------- Configuration variables --------------------

  6. Restart Crafter


Let’s take a look at an example of creating a new environment, called mycustomenv with the urlrewrite.xml file overridden in the new environment for a site created using the Website Editorial blueprint:

  1. We’ll create a folder called env under data/repos/site/mysite/sandbox/config/engine

    2  repos/
    3    sites/
    4      mysite/
    5        sandbox/
    6          config/
    7            engine/
    8              env/

  2. Inside the env folder, create a directory called mycustomenv

  3. We will now create the configuration file for the urlrewrite.xml that we want to override in the new environment we are setting up, inside our mycustomenv folder:


    We will redirect the page to /articles/2017/12/Top Books For Young Women when the page /articles/2016/12/Top Books For Young Women is previewed. Copy the following inside the urlrewrite.xml file.

    Urlrewrite.xml file for environment mycustomenv
    1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    3  <rule>
    4    <from>/articles/2016/12/(.*)$</from>
    5    <to type="redirect">/articles/2017/12/$1</to>
    6  </rule>

    For our example, the folder articles/2016/12 was copied to articles/2017 with the page under articles/2017/12, modified to display the title as a dupe. This was done so when we click on the page under articles/2016/12, we can easily tell that it’s being redirected to the page under articles/2017/12. Of course, you can also just look at the url of the page previewed to verify that it was redirected to the right page.

    Folder with page copied from 2016 to 2017

    Here’s the original page:

    Original page before being redirected

    Here’s the page we want to be redirected to when previewing the page above:

    Page we want to be redirected to

  4. Remember to commit the files copied so Studio will pick it up.

      sandbox git:(master)  git add .
    ➜  sandbox git:(master)  git commit -m "Add urlrewrite.xml file for mycustomenv"

  5. Open the crafter-setenv.sh file in TOMCAT/bin and set the value of CRAFTER_ENVIRONMENT to the environment we setup above (myenv) to make it the active environment:

    # -------------------- Configuration variables --------------------

  6. Restart Crafter. To verify our newly setup environment, open the Sidebar and click on siteConfig, then select Configuration. Notice that the active environment mycustomenv will be displayed on top of the configurations drop-down box and when you select the Engine URL Rewrite Configuration (XML Style), it should display the file we created in one of the previous step:

    Active Environment Displayed in Site Config Configuration

    Let’s verify that our urlrewrite.xml is in effect. From the Sidebar, click on Home -> Entertainment -> Top Books For Young Women or, navigate to /articles/2016/12/ and click on Top Books For Young Women.

    Preview the page mentioned in the urlrewrite.xml that will be redirected

    The preview page should take you to /articles/2017/12/Top Books For Young Women