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Mime Types Configuration

The mime types configuration file configures the mime types icons overrides for a site/blueprint. It also allows you to override the default icons for content types .

To modify the mime types configuration, click on siteConfig from the bottom of the Sidebar, then click on Configuration and select Mime Types from the dropdown list.

Configurations - Open Mime Types Configuration


 1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 2<!-- mime-type.xml
 3  This file configures the mime types icons overrides for this site/blueprint.
 5  For every configuration you'd like to make editable, you need:
 6    <mime-type>
 7      <type />
 8      <icon>
 9        <class />
10        <styles>
11          ...
12        </styles>
13      </icon>
14    </mime-type>
16  The elements are:
17  - type: The mime type or content type. This is the target mime type/content type that will be affected by the new icon/styles defined on the configuration
18  - class: The Font Awesome class for the icon that will be showed for the mime type/content type.
19  - styles: CSS styles for the icon selected, you can customize the icon with css like styles (e.g <color>#ffffff</color>)
23  <mime-type>
24    <type>application/zip</type>
25    <icon>
26      <class>fa-user fa-spin</class>
27      <styles>
28        <color>#ff0000</color>
29        <font-size>16px</font-size>
30      </styles>
31    </icon>
32  </mime-type>
34  <!-- Change icon for component content type contact-widget -->
35  <mime-type>
36    <type>/component/contact-widget</type>
37    <icon>
38      <class>fa-id-card</class>
39      <styles>
40        <color>#ff0000</color>
41        <font-size>16px</font-size>
42      </styles>
43    </icon>
44  </mime-type>